Baby Gulf

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Gulf danced in circles and started to sing a popular kPop song at the end of the day, causing the cast and crew of the set to laugh. Mew smiled, watching him as he belted out the lyrics of "Love Shot". He didn't know the dance though, which made it quite funny. Mild and a few others joined in, and some of the cast and crew started recording snippets.

Mew sighed, lately everything Gulf or he did ended up on social media. Somehow, there needed to be a balance between living and stardom. He had walked this path before with his last series, and there was no way in hell this one was going to end that way. Once was enough!

Gulf made his way over to Mew, laughing and gasping for breath. "Lighten up, Mew! We're finished for the day. Let's go home!" He grabbed Mew's hand and tugged him to the dressing room to have their makeup removed.

Mew smiled and willingly allowed himself to be dragged. No, this wouldn't end up the same way. He would protect this love with everything he had. He had given up so much to be with him even if he didn't understand that yet.

Gulf felt the smile drop as he walked into the dressing room and sat in a chair. He held his words as the makeup artist smiled and started to clean his face. Oh what a difference than shooting TharnType the Series! Back then he had to clean his own face! He watched from the corner of his eye as his handsome man appeared... and the artist said, "All done!"

"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow." Gulf gave his sweet smile, the one he never realized the girls fell for. The make up artist, now used to him, nodded and smiled, wished him a good evening and left.

Mew stood and said, "I'll drive, let's go." Gulf nodded and reached for his hand again. Mew shook his head and sighed. "I think we've got enough posted on social media for today." Gulf pouted but dropped his hand and stood behind him.

As they drove to Mew's condo, Gulf said suddenly, "I don't understand why it's so damn wrong? Talk to me, tell me why you won't let them know we're dating."

Mew felt like banging his head against the steering wheel. "Can this wait until we get home?"

Gulf fought back tears. "Why not? Isn't that your answer to everything? Wait, wait and more waiting?" Mew was silent as he drove but Gulf noticed that he drove a bit faster, more reckless. That was not like him at all, usually he was very careful whenever they were together. 

The tires squealed as Mew pulled into the drive at the condo. Gulf heard the gate close with a metallic clang. It sounded ominous. He pulled in a deep breath. What did he start? He felt so good at the close of filming today. 

Mew got out of the car and pulled his backpack out. He slammed his door shut and strode briskly to the door. He only glanced back once at Gulf still sitting in the car. Gulf really wanted to cry now. Slowly, he gathered his courage and got out. No one ever accused him of being a coward! He grabbed his bag and he knew his feet dragged as he entered the condo. 

Why, why had he agreed to stay the night here?

Mew had already made tea. Two steaming cups of green tea were on the low table along with his favorite English biscuits. Ever since they had taken that trip to the beach resort that had "High Tea", he had fallen in love with tea and biscuits. Gulf sucked in more air. He felt like he couldn't breath.

"Sit." Mew patted the cushion next to him. He waited, his gaze hooded.

Gulf dropped his bag near the door and hung his jacket on his hook and entered. Again, he felt like his feet were dragging as he walked. Why did he feel like he was 12 and in trouble? He had to get rid of this feeling! He was 22 and did nothing wrong!

"You wanted to talk? So let's talk." Mew leaned back and crossed his legs. He kept his gaze hooded as he picked up his cup of tea and took a sip. Cradling the cup, "What am I to you?"

"Pardon?" Gulf felt like he'd been side swiped by a car. "What am I to you?" He repeated slowly.

Mew nodded. "It all starts with that. So answer me, What am I to you?"

Gulf picked up his cup of tea and really gave the question the thought it deserved. "You're my best friend and my lover. Is it wrong to want the world to know all of that?"

Mew carefully set his tea cup down. "You know my past. I've never hid any of it from you, Gulf. I never asked you to break up with your girlfriend for me. I never asked you for your love, either. I'm not even sure why you wanted to be my friend. All we should have ever been was colleagues."

Gulf was angry now. "I broke up with my girlfriend because I didn't feel anything for her like you make me feel. I only felt a tiny bit of lust at the beginning. When you kiss me..." Words failed him and he grew restless. He placed his tea cup down and Gulf stood up. "When you kiss me, I see stars." He walked around the room, not looking at Mew at all.

Mew stood and grabbed Gulf as he paced by him. "Stars, you say? Since when?"

"The first kiss in acting practice. I'm young, not a fool, Mew. I do know what I need." Gulf stretched up and kissed him. He placed his hands on either side of his cheeks and slammed his lips hard against Mew's, taking it deep and hard fast. Mew groaned, but didn't avoid it. 

Gulf pressed his body tight to Mew, grinding his hips against him. They fought for control, Gulf moaned as his body cried out for relief. Mew fought his body's responses but finally caved, taking total control. He slipped his hands under Gulf's shirt and pulled him tight. He slanted his mouth and Gulf opened his and their tongues danced. Gulf's bones felt like they were made of liquid. 

Mew laid him down on the couch, and laid on top of him. As Mew slid his lips down his neck, his throat, Gulf couldn't stop the words, "Fuck me, Mew, I can't take this anymore... just do it."

Mew pressed his forehead against Gulf's, chest heaving, hard member to hard member. "You know, there's no going back once we do this."

"I'm not a child, for fuck's sake! I want you!" Gulf moaned and thrust his hips, pushing his member hard against Mew, making him moan. "Believe in me, for a change."

Gulf may not have heard Mew say it, but he knew that Mew had feelings for him. Why else would he have been an ass? Did he just hear Mew say, "Fuck it, I'm tired of denying myself?" before his lips claimed his again... 

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