Solve a Problem With a Kiss!

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Mew looked around his condo and sighed. When did Gulf move in? He picked up his dog and cuddled the tiny Pomeranian named Chopper. He looked out at the weather and the clothes in the dog closet and sighed. What to dress his boy in today?

Gulf came silently behind and put his chin on Mew's shoulder. "I like the sailor outfit. Chopper's cute in the stripped shirt." Chopper gave his tiny bark and licked Gulf's hand that was on his forearm.

Mew held in his sigh. When did Chopper give his blessing to this relationship? Chopper didn't like people easily either but he loved Gulf from almost the first day. Mew didn't know why he was getting cold feet now, but he was bothered.

Gulf slipped his arms around Mew's waist and curled up behind him. He laid his head on his back and just held him. Mew picked up Chopper's stripped shirt and slipped the little dog into it. He stroked the soft, puffy fur and sighed. "I'll have to take him to the groomer's soon. It's getting long and his nails need trimming again."

"Is there a reason why we can't do it?" Gulf asked?

Mew snorted, "Plenty! I tried, once. Once was enough. Let the professionals take care of it, Gulf. I learned my lesson." Mew felt the nod against his back. He bent forward and set Chopper carefully down on the floor and laughed as he scampered away. He looked funny with his big fluffy head and body, the tight striped t-shirt pulling the rest of the fur close in.

"Let me go, Gulf, I'm hungry." Mew tried to stand but Gulf held him close.

"No. You've been avoiding me for the past few days." Gulf muttered into his back. "I want to know why." Mew felt his face go hot. How did he do that? Why did everyone always seem to know what was on his mind when it came to Gulf?

"I've been thinking a lot..."

"Stop it. Don't think." Gulf moved and stood in front of him. "We are in this together, you know. You can't do anything alone anymore." He bent down and kissed him, slowly, exploratory. He moved from his soft full bottom lip to his top lip. Mew groaned and pulled him close. He parted his lips and plunged his tongue into his mouth, tongue meeting tongue.

They slid across one another, tasting, exploring and this time, it was Gulf who moaned. It was Gulf who did the grinding of hips against Mew. He was so full of pent up frustration, of longing, of wanting Mew! Kisses on set were driving him crazy with want...

Mew slid his hands down to Gulf's sweatpants and pushed them down to his knees. Exposed, he fondled his baby the way that drove him crazy. One of his large hands split his ass, and one hand held his member and stroked him. His hooded gaze watched Gulf's face intently. That gaze was Gulf's and Gulf's alone... that gaze meant Mew was sexually aroused in some manner.

How long had Mew watched him that way?

Gulf tried to reach for Mew but the look on his face, he stopped. Mew smiled, "Good, good... I don't like where we are." He swung Gulf up in his arms and started to walk. Gulf held on and laid his head on Mew's shoulder. He had a strong man.

Gulf was placed on the bed. Mew kneeled over him and Gulf reached up to kiss him again. Instead, Mew placed his trademark "mosquito bite" on his collarbone. "Mine. You made the choice. I'm not holding you here. You came freely. You're mine now." He locked his lips with Gulf and kissed him while he claimed his hard member again.

Gulf felt like he was dying from the pleasure spiking in his brain. He felt Mew trail his lips down his body to the tip of his member. Things were blurred into a pleasurable mess, almost as if he had drank for hours the night before. He couldn't remember if he was pleading or begging or both. Was Mew a god of pleasure?

He lay in bed and slept... the feeling of love and a satisfied body combined to make him very, very sleepy. Why did a voice keep echoing in his head, "We can't always settle things with a kiss, baby. We can't problem solve with a kiss..."

Mew felt guilty yet again. He stood in the shower and banged his head. What does great sex solve? Nothing but leave you feeling great! He couldn't deny that he felt wonderful when he was with Gulf. He couldn't deny he loved Gulf. He wouldn't deny he was possessive either. He wasn't ready to admit they lived or even were a couple.

He was afraid the media and people would tear them apart. Gulf was too young. In a normal couple, their age difference was nothing. In a 'BL' and 'acting couple' as well as being gay, the criticism was going to be horrendous. He could visualize the headlines now, "29 Year Old Co-Star Corrupts Young New Actor!"

Maybe he was reading too much into it. But that's how he felt before and all they had done was the fan service the company required of them. Mew sighed and turned off the water. He hated fan service. He loved the fans, but he wanted them to see the real him, not something a company, or manager, or director made him show at a fan signing.

He dried himself off and slipped on a pair of briefs. He stood in the doorway of the bedroom and watched Gulf sleep. He sighed and went to wake him. It was tiring always being an adult. Mew shook Gulf awake. "Gulf, Gulf... come on, you need to take a shower. You can't sleep like this."

Like a baby, Gulf held up his arms. "I love you, Mew." He smiled sleepily. Mew smiled back.

"Come on, get up," Mew coaxed. Gulf sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked at Mew and gave a sleepy, sexy smile.

"Mew, I had a funny, odd dream." He swung his legs off the bed. Stretching, he reached for the sky and dropped his arms around his lover and hugged him tightly. "I heard someone say that we couldn't solve all our problems with a kiss." He dropped a kiss on Mew's nose and walked naked to the shower, scratching his bare ass as he went.

He stopped at the door because Mew hadn't said anything. "Isn't that odd? Why would anyone think a kiss could solve a problem?"

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