| Chapter 1 |

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Izuku's PoV:

"I both like you, Shoto, Kacchan!" I said while avoiding the contact of our eyes. Its now or never, Izuku! "Fine to me." I heard Shoto response. This lessen my embarassment since they agreed but I still hoped that they would declined because they don't like me and they're already dating each other, that's why. "I'll go with whatever this half and half decides to do." Kacchan just went along with Shoto. "So, that means, we are dating now?" I said, setting my hopes high. "Yeah, but there will be rules since we'll never love you." Kacchan set rules up. This made myself kinda sad and dissapointed. That time, I wish they would've just rejected me if this is gonna happen. "Hmm, just do what you like, I'm just a third party after all." I spoke in a soft and nearly hearable manner. "One, no sex...." And Kacchan made 10 rules in this relationship.

1. No sex.
2. No interfering with our relationship. (They meant theirs)
3. You can sleep with us but expect no warmth.
4. You will do all the household chores
5. Never complain if you get treated unfairly since your an outsider, after all.
6. If Shoto and I were to have sex, we'll do it in a motel.
7. Once you seduce one of us, this relationship will end.
8. You have to hide yourself whenever we'll have family bondings.
9. If we want to kick you out, that means we had enough and never let us see you again. So be sure to satisfy our needs.
10. If you ever agreed to it, you can't end this relationship on your own.

"Well then, Deku, this is the rules that we came up, if you don't agree then its a loss for you, haha!" My self-esteem got so low that I pity myself. "Kacchan, can I ask why is there no sex?" "Huh? Of course there isn't! Who would even want to do it with you? Huh! Don't have your hopes high, Shitty Deku!" This made me wanna cry but I have no reason to reject this since I was the one who brought this matter up. But why! Why? Why does it have to be like this? Can't I receive hugs? I want to be with them because I want their warmth. Am I really that disgusting? "I agree to the rules and want to be in a relationship with the two of you. Please accept me!" I bowed my head to them, having no pride with me at all. Why can't my dreams come true? Do I deserve this? Is this punishment? "But can I atleast have two requests to the two of you?" At first, Kacchan didn't like it since there was so much requests that I made. But not long, Shoto convinced him and I said it. "C-can y-y-ou hug me the very first and last time?" They both hugged me but their embrace felt empty, empty like there is no emotions mixed in. Of course me, this was the best moment of my life. My first and last hug with the ones that doesn't even like me. "Then, the last one, can y-you g-give me an allowance every month? I know this is too much, but since I will be focusing on the house, maybe I should get even a little amount, ri-" "No." Shoto answered while cutting me off. *Sigh* Now you've done it, Izuku. I really am crazy to request a payment. I really just wanna cry. "Hey, know your place. We don't even know what benefits can you bring while being our partner." "I can do the household chores!" I said but they ignored me and walked away. I should still put a smile on to show that I'm happy with the things are. I will cook for them to show that I'm worth accepting for. "Shoto, Kacchan, wait for me! I'll cook for you!" I excitedly spoke and went to their home.

After 1 and an half hour

"I present to you, Katsudon!" They don't know my favorite food that's why I made this for myself! It's also my birthday today, February 25 and I'm already 24 years old living. I saw them eating my dish and was a unforgetable sight. Imma call Kirishima later night so I can update him on what happened today. "I knew it! It's good right?" "Yeah" Shoto replied. I laughed alone in the quiet atmosphere.

After 30 minutes:

Without saying anything on the dinner table, we finally finished the whole meal and left everything to me. I don't know why but this days, my coughs are getting worse, day by day. Not only that, but I also have troubling in breathing and have chest pain. I don't have allowance and can't work since the two didn't allowed me to but I still wanna ask again later when we'll sleep. For now, I just did everything that wa needed and after finishing everything, it was already 9:30 pm. The two went out somewhere and just made it here very late in the evening. Shoto's faced is all puffed up which guessing that they did it at a hotel which was what they said whenever they do it. "Um, I know you already said no but I really need money, please, just this once." I told them begging for it. "Hey, Deku, did you want to be our partner just to get money from our pockets? If then, just get out of here before I kill you." "Ah, n-no Kacchan. You're wrong, I just really need money." "Why you fu-" "Here, a 1 million check, spend it wisely." Shoto cut Kacchan off since he is sensitive to noise. "T-thank you." "Hey, babe, why did you give that sloth a million, huh?" There they go again. I wish someone will call me sweet nicknames and love me from their heart. Though I really know that would be impossible. I called Kirishima in the bathroom, hiding to the two fron hearing our conversation. "Hello Kirishima?" "Yo, whattsup Mido! How's the relationship going?" "Haha, hectic as hell. Are you free tomorrow?" "Huh? Yeah, I'm free. Do you need something?" "Oh, I just want to check what's going on with me. These days, I have trouble in breathing. Like serious trouble. When I breath, I always hear my lungs wheezing, its freaking the hell outta me, you know." "Do you cough?" "Yeah, and it doesn't want to go away even with medication. Plus my chest hurts when it happens." "Okay, I'll be there tomorrow, 6am sounds good?" "Yeah, I don't want to get caught so the early the better." "Stay safe." That was the last word of Kiri before I went out of the bathroom. I saw them walking towards the bedroom so I decided to go aswell. They said I can still sleep with them so I'll take that  as an opportunity. Hurts!~ My chest hurts again. But I ignored that and still went inside. "Hey, Izuku, get your own blanket and pillow." Shoto advised me. I look at the pile of blankets but they were all thin, thin like paper. And when I look at the other side of the cabinet  there was just 1 small sized, good enough for the whole head if you stay still. I felt dissapointed. Even if they didn't care for me, maybe atleast get me a proper blanket and pillow. I took it out and lay it on the very edge of the bed, trying not to touch Kacchan since he was in the middle. I'm cold.~ I covered myself up and try to get some sleep. Now if I remember, I felt like Kirishima was going to say another phrase but it looks like he doesn't want to. He is very lucky, I envy him. He has parents, Denki, and a good life while I am the opposite. I saw Kacchan hugging Shoto, trying to sleep now. I tried reaching my hand to his back but hesitated to because he might just yell at me or at worse, let me sleep in the living room. I heard Shoto whisper, "Goodnight babe, love you." This made me wanna cry. I clenched my mouth and fists, trying not to make a single sound, but my cough started again. I covered my mouth and boy oh boy, there's blood on it. This made me grasped and quickly went to the bathroom trying to wash the blood off my hands and mouth. Good thing I noticed that I also have it on my clothes which is also bad timing. Im wearing a white shirt that got splashed on and I don't have any soap to get rid of the evidence. "Oi, Deku, what the fuck are you doing there?" Oh no, really a bad timing. "I'm just cleaning!" I heard no response, so that's good. I went on with my bloody white shirt, scrubbed it off with detergent.

After 15 minutes:

*Sigh* It's finished! I hang it on a racket and went to the bedroom. The two really don't care about what happens to me since they fall asleep not long. I went to the very edge and made myself comfortable with the little space I have. *Cough.... Cough.... Cough." Shit, please stop this. My eyes widen at the sight that there were more blood coming out of my mouth. I started to tremble tremendously not thinking that they might wake up and saw me in a situation like this. I don't want that! But that wasn't the end, Shoto woke up because he is a light-sleeper not like Kacchan. "Hey, Izuku, why are you still awake? Aren't you gonna sleep? Your fucking disturbing our sleep." I trembled more at his words making my eyes tear. "I-I'm sorry." Phew, good thing was that the room is very dark, dark that you can't see each other. What should I do? I stained their sheets. They're definitely going to yell and scold at me but I really have no choice but to seek help from Shoto. "Um-um, Shoto? Are you awake?" "What is it?" "I- uh- stained the beddings."Shoto went to my side and brushed his hands and felt that it was wet. "You fucking shit! What the hell did you do to the sheets?" I really just wanna cry right now. If that day hadn't happen, our relationship will still continue as being friends, will we?

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