Chapter 5

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I'm awakened to an empty room, I look up to see a clock showing 4:30 in red LED lights. As confused as I am I have to finish some language arts worksheets that were left unfinished from yesterday. At 5:30 I get dressed and head down to the cafeteria, which I found quite easy to navigate through since it was nearly empty. As I picked up a cottage cheese with peach preserves and an orange juice, I look behind me to see Daniel coming up to me. 

"Hey!" he says very perky and chirp- like. We sit at an empty circular table and comment on the gossip of the middle schoolers. Most of the rumours seemed stupid and not worth the hype that they were receiving until a whisper started circulating the room *Did you know that Joshua actually kind-of  smiled in the hallway yesterday? Has there ever been a time like this? The legendary Joshua Hook NOTORIOUS for his rebel attitude did something other than give a glare!* 

Daniel rolled his eyes as soon as the rumour reached him. " What's Joshua like?" I asked Daniel almost cautiously, his disinterest clearly showing. Daniel replied, very snarkly, " He's a total loner... no one likes hime because he doesn't like anyone else. We used to be friends, he's been going here since the third grade. Sometimes he pretends to be friendly but really he only uses anyone for his own personal amusement. anyways I have to go set up a classroom for Dracely himself." He got up and left without any word, looking distressed and almost teary.

Just as Daniel rounded the corner Joshua turned the corner, sure enouph with the seemingly permanent frown. The whole room blew up with hushed tones, but he doesn't  seem to give a care. I realize that i might just be a puppet to him, and I almost fell into a trap. This is just another reason why Daniel is the perfect friend, and his blonde hair with his blue eyes just makes me breathless.

As I start to throw my trash away I see a pair of black eyes staring at me, which i unsuccessfully try to avoid. I begin to pick up my pace determined not to bring attention to myself because I don't want to be thrown around, bullied, by Joshua Hook. Trusting my only true friend i repeat Daniel's words in my head, not turning back to look. At the door I can't help but loook back to see his black eyes still staring at me creased upwards as if they were smiling and a smirk that could drive anyone crazy. Have I already become entangled in the complicated strings in the so called puppeteer's hands?

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