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She didn't talk, only listened. She didn't participate, only observed. She kept her distance, didn't let anyone get close to her, like, there were walls surrounding her that nobody could knock down.

Emery POV

It's junior year, I had known her for 2 years, but I never had the guts to talk to her. I stared out the window at her and the willow tree she was sitting under, the willow tree that almost completely covered her. Her head was down her eyes were engaged but her face was blank. Her dark hair was up in a messy bun showing her sharp jawline, she had her glasses crowned, resting on top of her head. Her hands were resting peacefully on her lap and her book was placed on her crossed legs, she was wearing all black despite it being fall and still quite warm, she was beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, any word to describe her like that would fit, but most of all her lips, bright red and perfect, they stood out and I couldn't help but think about what kissing her would feel like.

"Hey! Em," I turned to see Jordan, Kyle and Nicole walk over.

"Hey," I said turning back to the girl.

"You still obsessed with Lianna?" Nicole said sitting down across from me following my gaze over to her.


"Hey! Emery snap out of it, you can't even talk to her," ouch, that hurt, it was the truth but it hurt.

The rest of lunch went by as it usually did, I stared at her and she read, barely looking up. I wanted to talk to her, hear her voice, look into her eyes, see her smile, I wanted so much, but I was so scared to even walk near her. I watched her as she gracefully stood up from her position and headed of to her next class, I looked at the event schedule on my way to Latin, and the winter ball was being organised, I wanted to ask Lianna but I'd never said anything to her so why should she say yes.

(Time skip)

I got in my car that my parents had bought me, they're never around much because they work but they got me a BMW and a Jeep, I was about to start my engine when I hear a thud against the back of my car so I get out to see what it was. It was Lianna, she was picking up a folder and her book when I noticed some papers had fallen under the car so I got them for her.

"Sorry, I bumped into your car," her voice was soft and quiet, it made me instantly smile at the sound of it.

"It's okay, um, do you want a lift home?" I did not expect that to come out my mouth.

"No thank you, but thanks for offering, I have my car so,"

"Ok well, bye then," I smile at her hoping to get a smile in return but nothing.

"Uhh, sorry again,"

"No worries," I said as I opened my car door and sat there.

This is really short just So you can get a small idea about what this story is, you don't have to read it but I hope you like it.

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