Chapter 2

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Four hours of driving from Durham to OBX I was where I was meant to be, I thought back to leaving. "Chels you can't graduate high school early! Your mom doesn't want you living on the Outer Banks either! You're only seventeen!" My stepdad yells at me as I drive away. 

Ever since my mom died, my stepdad has taken care of me. He wanted me to move to Washington state with him and my little brother. My granddad suggested that I live with him on the Outer Banks where my mom grew up. Granddad said that he needed help with two projects; keeping the marina alive and running and keeping some kid alive and out of jail. 

Grilling granddad about why he'd try and keep some random kid out of jail ended with him telling me about John B and Sarah. Sarah Cameron one of my only friends ever went missing. That was unlike her. We spent every summer together growing up. She wasn't the type of person to go off the grid or do something without the greater good in mind. John B on the other hand I barely knew. I didn't know his intention in life.

One way or another I was going to find out what happened to her.

JJ Maybank was my way of finding her. John B's best friend, he knew how to maneuver a boat and from what I heard he was willing to do the stupidest shit. A perfect colleague to do this manhunt with.

Loading boats, delivering parts and refueling is what I loved doing. Anything boating I loved. More correct I loved anything to do in the water.

After dropping off our last part order of the day we docked at the marina and granddad was waiting. "Jumbo's on the stove. Eat up. Chels, I cleared off the desk in the office for you to show JJ what exactly he'll be responsible for."


We grabbed our bowls and headed towards the office.

"We'll start with 'The Great Gatsby' write your first report on it and hand it in on Friday. One book every week. Math we'll look at your last semester's work and re-hand it in. I don't do science so instead we're gonna surf or wakeboard, that'll be apart of gym as well. History I think you and your friends already covered this summer."

His face twisted at the last sentence. "What do you mean?"

"Royal Merchant. I heard you and your friends uncovered the mystery. I mean I'm impressed, my dad worked on that for years trying to figure it out and then comes four teenagers and you find it in what. Three weeks?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I mean..."

"Yes you do. I won't pry but you don't need to lie. Sarah was my friend and John B is my...." There was a loud knocking at the door.

"Chelsea!" I wanted to hide.

The door opened and Rafe walked in. "What are you doing back? I thought you were on the West Coast. Top told me he saw you and I didn't want to believe him."

"Outside now."

"What are you doing with a Pogue?" I body slammed Rafe back through the doorway.

"Chels what are you doing back? Huh? You just leave and don't tell me. You come back to my island and don't tell me?"

"Its none of your business Rafe. Get out of here."

"What are you doing with a Pogue?"

"JJ works here. Get out of here, now."

"Chels I just want to talk with you. You just left here without a word. Just a few minutes please."

Granddad stepped out of the house to see Rafe.

"Rafe Cameron. Off my property. Don't come back either."

"I will speak with you later."

Pushing back into the office JJ was asleep. Passed out in the most uncomfortable chair. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped him in it.

The next morning JJ was still asleep in the office. I had breakfast ready for him and I shook him awake.

"What? You said something about surfing."

"JJ its nine am. Time for work. Up and at em."

"It's morning?" I nodded and opened the office door.

"Let's go."

JJ's boots slapped against the wood floor as he ran after me. He got in the boat and snapped the plate of food.

"Sorry I don't usually sleep well."

"Its alright. Rather you be fully rested than half dead. Also granddad set up the couch in the office for you to stay on if you want. No questions, just a place to stay. Also you definitely need to shower."

"Okay, thanks for breakfast."

"Showers are outside on the side of the house. We have two deliveries this morning, after that you can shower."

The afternoon came and the rain set in. Tropical Storm force rain set in. Granddad and JJ bolted down everything that needed to before the wind picked up. While I got the boats out of the marina that needed to be delivered. Biking in this rain wasn't good.

Right as I got back to the marina I slid and wiped out. The pebbles on the road cut up my side.

I walked in on granddad and JJ cooking. 

"Where's the first aid kit?"

"Bathroom mirror. JJ go help her."

JJ followed me into the bathroom. "What happened?"

"Wiped out on my bike. It's no big deal. I just need the rubbing alcohol."

I didn't want to take off my shirt. My tattoos were only my thing. Not one person knew about them. Plus it is super illegal to get tattooed underage in North Carolina.

"Take your shirt off." I shook my head. "I've seen a girl in a bra before."

"Not one word about what you are going to see. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." I lifted my shirt.

My tattoos were done by one of my mom's friend after she died. A phoenix curled around my ribcage to my shoulder, aster flowers adorned the top of my hip and a Maya Angelou quote.

"Are these aster flowers?"


"They're pretty. Purple is my favorite color."

"Purple was my mom's favorite. She wanted to name me Aster."

JJ dabbed away at the wound making it painful to keep standing up.

"Do you think your grandfather will let me stay here tonight? I don't want to go out in the rain."

"Yeah, the stuff is all set up."

"Do you want to work on my homework with me?"

"Well I have my own homework but yeah."

"Great. See you out there."

JJ left me in the bathroom starring at myself in the mirror. My white Wright's shirt was soaked through and I had goosebumps.

"Chelsea Redfield!" A man yelled at through the door.

Oh fuck.

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