Chapter 7

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I read Big John's words over and over, allowing them to sep into my brain as I read them. For seventeen years I went unknowing that my father was two miles down the road from me. I probably had seen John B surfing countless times, having quick conversations before grabbing a wave. Or seeing him at his deck hand jobs.

It hurt to know that my brother was talking to me without knowing he was my brother.

My brain started to form questions quickly.

'Does John B know I'm his sister?'

'Does he know that Big John gave me everything?'

'How come Big John only spoke to me when he ordered boat parts?'

The anger inside started to boil over. 'Did my granddad know?'

I let myself simmer over two entire workdays and even a long run with Aaron but I could speak about it. Or anything really.

When Friday afternoon hit and Aaron took the little brothers to the beach and JJ was at school. I waltzed my way into the showroom to find my grandfather.

"We need to talk." The man looked frightened.

Granddad led me into a different office than normal that had a bigger conference table.

"I bet this is about that letter."

"You bet your ass it is. Did you know that Big John was my dad?" He nodded.

"For how long?"

"Fifteen years darling. Your mama wanted to keep it quiet. I always thought your daddy was someone else. Big John was marrying little John's mama a month after your mama found out about you. Little did she know that he was getting married."

"And you kept that a secret from me? My dad and brother were two miles from here! I could have had a both sides of my family. I could have been down here more often."

"Your mama and Joe wanted to keep you safe."

"Why?" Granddad put one hand on his hip.

"Because Ward Cameron thinks that you are his daughter."


"Your mama was also in relationship with him too."

"I spent seven years at his house. Not once did he say anything to me."

"That's because he'd never admit to fathering a daughter no one knew about. It wasn't me that wanted you here, Ward threatened your mama every single year about suing for custody. To get out of that she sent you and Colson here for eight weeks every summer. She wanted to keep what you had as normal as possible. And Ward would've gone crazy thinking that you weren't his. He isn't a sane person Chelsea. He's a bad man. Didn't Sarah ever mention that? Ward wanted the two of you to be good friends."

"She came to my sixteenth birthday in Durham. Ward and her were going to tour Chapel Hill again. They let me tag along with them, she never said a word. Oh my God! Is that why Ward gave me an expensive Tiffany necklace for my birthday?"

"Yeah. He's also paid for you to go to that rich kid academy. I won't be surprised if he got you into UNC already."

"So to protect me means allowing him to spent time with me as well as spending his scumbag money on me?"

"Yes. He also thinks that he's Colson's dad."

"Mom was really out there with married men. Wow. So, Big John is also Colson's dad?"

"Yes. That's why I called you two weeks ago when John when out into the storm. I thought that you should know everything."

"You let me leave my brother out here all alone?! I could have been down here making sure he wasn't going crazy without his support system. I could have helped him with finding the Royal Merchant!"

"Now you can help me find him. I was the one checking on the boy these last months. Miss Anna, Kiara's mama was making him food and I'd bring it to him. His...well your Uncle T is a flake. John B was doing just fine until he started digging at what his father was researching."

"Mom was researching that as well. She brought me to their house when I was young. How come I don't remember that?"

"Honey you were so little. The last time you were there you were also with Sarah probably just going into first grade."

"Granddad I need to find them."

"If anyone's gonna find them its gonna be you. You were always my little finder girl. Just tell me what you need Chelsea. I'll help in anyway I can."

"I need mom's boxes of research. I don't know what she did with them. Maybe there might be a clue in them."

"Well those are down with her boat. I bet she never told you that your inheritance from me and your grandma was this Trawler." Granddad walked down to our garage that he told me only had space for his truck.

Granddad swung back the doors on the garage and there she sat, an extravagant forty foot white beauty.

"Judge Burns knows that I was gonna need some help this summer with marina help. That's why JJ came to stay with us. Burns also knows that JJ is a trouble maker. If you can get him out of North Carolina for a while it'll help keep him out of jail. Plus the Judge said that it would fine to take him to Florida to stay with your grandma. When you tell me that you have a solid plan I call the Judge and arrange for y'all to" Granddad air quotes, "go to Florida with the blessings of the Judge."

"But what about Joe?"

"That's why Aaron is here. Joe didn't want you going on this manhunt without him or Aaron so y'all will be going together."

"But what about Cole or Hawk? I can't leave you alone with those troublemakers."

"Honey I'm sixty one years old. I can handle a fourteen year old and a seven year old. Now get aboard the Aster and get to work. Dinner will be a crab boil from The Wreck at seven. Don't be late!"

Granddad left me to board my mom's namesake boat. Not fun telling people that you're named after a boat and not the other way around. Just thinking about how I was also named after this boat made me laugh.

I missed my mom more than ever. 

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