Chapter 13

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We arrived at the mansion right before nineteen hundred hours. Joe met us with my heels as other people arrived. He didn't care that I had a broke hand. He was glad that I broke some guys nose for being a dickhead. I saw the look in his eyes when I stepped out in my mom's dress. Joe swept Aaron's shoulder things before nodding at the two of us.

"Y'all ready?

Dorian's parents stepped in front of us before going inside the house. His dad gave me stink eye and I wasn't the only one that noticed. Aaron did too. I guess he's a little pissed about Dorian's nose.

Before we got completely inside to greet people Ward, Rose, Rafe and Wheezie Cameron all walked up to us.

"Josef good to see you! How have you been?" It was like with every word he spoke my lungs deflated.

Rafe's nose was covered by makeup but you could tell that it was discolored. 

Joe and Ward were speaking and I blocked out their conversation. Rafe's just kept eye contact with me making everything static. 

"Chelsea. Chelsea. Hello?" I snapped back to reality.

"Yes sorry." 

Ward was speaking to me. "How have you been?"

"Oh you know! Could be better! So sorry to hear about Sarah. She was one truly special person. Not a lot of people nowadays are like her."

"Thank you. Sarah was very special."

Joe looked at me. "I think its time to go in. We'll see y'all later." Joe wrapped his arms around Aaron and me.

"What was that?"

"A show. Now it's dinnertime."

Joe introduced us to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and their spouses. We had met them two years ago when they came to mom's funeral. There were a bunch of military personal that Joe introduced us to.

We moved further into the house when I realized the amount of Naval personal were here rather than the normal amount of Army guys there were. Aaron noticed too. His face changed from normal happy to jaw clenched.

Joe sat us down at a table that was also people we knew from living on base. I was being cordial and speaking with them. Aaron wasn't himself.

"Do you wanna go smoke outside?" I clicked open my clutch and showed him my vape.

"Let's go."

Outside people were smoking cigars, mostly old white military guys.

"What's going on?"

"This isn't for dad. Its for me."


"Did you not notice all the Naval guys?"

"I did notice. Did you see Rafe's broken nose?"

"Wait that's Rafe?" I nodded. "He looks like a serial killer."

"That would be him. I can't believe I ever went there."

Aaron grabs my shoulders and hugs me. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Don't be stupid. This is for Joe not you."

We apparently spent so much time outside talking that we didn't notice people sitting down for the banquet. Joe was pissed that he caught us smoking.

"Really? At the Governor's house?"

I threw my vape back in the clutch and walked behind Aaron.

Inside dinner wasn't even served and the Governor introduced the reason we were here. "Boat safety for the coast, restricting going out into a storm." The Naval guy introduce to the masses.

Not before long Ward Cameron went on stage to discuss his daughter and the monster who helped kill her at sea.

My blood started to boil.

Ward talked about the agony that John put his family through. He spoke about talking him into his house only for John to turn Sarah away from them. How they went out during a manhunt slash hurricane and that was it.

But it wasn't it. I started listen to the madness. I let Ward's words float through my brain as I analyzed them.

"July twenty-first we will set out across the coast to raise awareness for the Sarah Cameron initiative to help bring forth the importance of boat safety. Myself, my wife and child will personally be traveling the coast together."

Ward was done speaking and the Naval guy came back to announce that the young men and women that are apart of some military club would also be traveling with the Cameron's. He started listing those 'young men and women's' names.

"Petty Officer Aaron Payne." Was the only name I focused on.

Aaron rose out of his seat to join the crowd on stage.

After the last person was called the military guy announced that the 'awareness initiative' would last until September. And that each of them would be assigned to a specific state.

Then dad's boss came out to join for photos. She then took the mic and announced that she had a special announcement.

"I'm here to bestow a honor to man who has been apart of the Army for the last twenty-five years. Colonel Josef Payne please join me on stage." Joe stood and walked up. 

"Colonel Payne has served our great country since the age of eighteen, he quickly climbed the latter like no one I've seen before. Colonel Payne has proven himself to be a great subordinate, leader as well as friend. Raising a son Aaron who recently joined the Navy, a daughter Chelsea who is brilliant as he describes her to everyone as well as two younger son's Colson and Hawthorne who have all called him a wonderful dad. It is my honor Colonel to promote you to General Payne." She handed him something but all I could do is stand and cheer with Aaron.

"If General Payne's kids could join us for a photo." The Governor said.

I couldn't have been more happy for Joe. General was something he always wanted. We took photos smiling and what not.

Sitting back down for dinner with the newest General other people came over to congratulate him. His boss who just gave him this honor came over and sat.

"Joe, I wanted to tell you that your job in Washington is being revoked. Your new orders are to report to Germany on Friday. Your gonna be stationed there for a while."

My stomach dropped.


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