Chapitre six. Saturday

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He was leaning on the balcony railing with a cigarette near his mouth as if he just stopped everything after witnessing such a strange event occurring right before his eyes.

I do my best to give him a cheeky grin, but I feel the embarrassment flooding threw my veins. I have no idea why I felt so embarrassed. Why would I care if I made myself look like an complete imbecile in front of him. It's not like I see him everyday anyway, it has been just these past few days I've been seeing him more than usual.Not like I was complaining or anything, he was quit easy on the eyes.

I just wish I would stop makeing myself look stupid every single time we happen to meet each other. I wait for his reaction as he slowly stands up straight, and moves his arm down to his side with cigarette in hand.

Looking back at the stuffed shark I sigh, "Well, I could still go get him back."

But as if all the odds were against me, a car happens to show up almost out of nowhere and and run over said shark. We both simultaneously look down at the now squished stuffed animal, and my mouth drops in heartbreak while he casually takes another drag of his cigarette.

"Wow, that sucks. I wouldn't want it back now." he chuckles, giving me a Gallic shrug presumably at the absurdity of the whole situation.

"God dang it."

With Bruno whimpering beside me, I pet his head with one hand while the other is rubbing my temple. There was no use, no way was I going to bring it back in here. Not when it was all squished now and disgusting. I had others, I guess I could part ways with one of them and give it to Bruno as a replacement.

Why don't I ever think? Why am I so impulsive?

Interrupting my thoughts he speaks up, "I have to give it to you though, you sure know how to make a guys morning interesting. Yesterday the keys and now whatever this is."

With my face red as a beet I look down, "Well, I'm gonna go back inside."

He glances at me most, likely seeing how red my face had gotten before gazing back onto the street below "You go do that." He replies as if he was trying to mock my stupidity.

I narrow my eyes in surprise, but I don't say anything. I didn't have time to acknowdege his rude attitude. Pulling my head back into the room, and closing the window I take a few deep breathes.

I have to try and forget about it, and get ready for work. Since it still being a Saturday and all, I had to get dressed in work appropriate clothes which did not include my pajama shorts and t-shirt. They were oh so comfortable, but I wouldn never dream of going out like this. Not when it was getting colder as winter was approaching.

Letting Bruno go outside and use the bathroom, I look at my watch seeing that I would be running late if he didn't hurry up. While it didn't seem like it most of the time, I liked to be punctual.

After he finished I take him back inside, and sprint to my car. Praying that my car wouldn't give me any troubles as it usually does. To my surprise, nothing did and I put the keys in the ignition and speed off.

Getting there at about 8:30 sharp, I was greeting by my boss and the owner Mme. Gagnon when I enter the establishment. She was a women in her mid sixties, that was originally from Digne Les Bains, France. She moved here about twenty years ago with her husband and her 34 year old daughter Julie following suite, recently moving here with her two children about a year ago.

"What's this?" I ask, the smell of freshly baked goods washing over me as I take a seat at my usual station in the front desk.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just made some galettes this morning for the grandchildren. My daughter and her husband were very tired from their recent business trip, and I offered to watch the kids for them while they rest up nicely."

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