Chapitre huit. Ethereal

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With the ride filled with silence and stolen stares, the doors finally open to reveal the dimly lighted hallway with exposed brick walls. As I swallow the lump that resided in my throat the entire ride up, me and Shannon are the first to exit. With Calum and Kenyon following suite, the sound of the music intensifying alerts me to the fact that it wasn't a kinda a party I was used to.

Shannon's friends usually host get togethers that had organic food and shit with the occasional intellectual chatter accompanied with wine. As I recall one of my other friends father owns a winery down in California, as he has some shipped to his front door every month.

The bass was low and you could slightly feel the vibrations moving through your body.

How have the neighbors never complained about the noise?

We stop, and turn to face a door that had slightly chipped paint, and the lock off its hinges, like it had it broken through plenty of times.

"We didn't break into this place, no one lives here anymore so it's fair game." Calum's voice was right behind me, and I could feel his hot breathe on my skin which makes me flinch and step an inch to the side.

"Excuse me," he says maneuvering himself in front of us and pushing the door open, "After you". We were all meet simultaneously with loud music and people exiting the flat most of which were clinging onto each other.

Shannon, Calum, and Kenyon push through while I stay and wait for them to dispurse from the entryway.

"They're too drunk too care, just shove them love."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

Pushing my way through, and receiving a few small glares from the people I was shoving I enter the room. It was an unpretentious flat situated on the 15th floor of the building that seemed much smaller on the outside than it actually was. It had dull white walls while still having a few expensive looking furnishing sparely placed around the place.

I sniff the odors that was pervading the room, and I find myself separating one from another: alcohol,dead cigars, and something else that was smelled sorta sweet. Assuming the worst, I see Shannon shyly giggling at something Calum was saying, until she looks at me and her body signals me to follow her.

Catching up with her, I almost trip as people were everywhere. It feels like everyone in the world was in here.

"Where you going?"

"I'm looking for someone suitable for you. Calum said there was a few.."

"Shan..Why are you even listening to him." I groan

"What, you needed to loosen up, and maybe, just maybe find someone. If you do, and you end up marrying each other you owe me so much."

"Don't you mean if I find someone who will date me for a couple of months before dumping me harshly, and breaking my heart than sure, I will owe you so much."

"Annika just trust me."

The word Trust hit me. One thing I noticed I lacked severely the past few years. I used to trust my family, but they turned my trust against me in different ways. Emotionally scarring me from ever really "trusting" anyone ever again.


It's been years, and It was time to turn the page. I knew Shannon ment no harm in bringing me here, she means everything in the best way.

It was nothing, but the word I uttered sealed my fate.


"Please, just this-" suddenly, Shannon stops in the middle of her sentence and stares at me. Her face was flushed, and I could tell she was elated. She says, "Really? your actually agreeing?" without a comment, I just nod.

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