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MY HANDS WERE covered in bloood. From too deep cut I had made , and from the gravel after jumping off a moving train.

I stared at the blood. My mother used to say I had fascination with it when I was younger. I would peel off my bandaids to stare at my bleeding wounds and when she would ask why , I would only shrug. As I got older my scrapes from running and playing lessened , and so did my fascination.

But now I couldn't look away , I was mesmerized.

"Stevie ? Stevie , are you okay ?" I didn't respond to the voice , but the hands on my shoulder grabbed my attention.

My sister stood in front of me. The sight of her snapped me back to reality , and I pushed her hands off of me. "I'm fine ," I tell her.

Ashley Carrier was older than me by only ten months. She shared the same blonde hair that I did , but that's where the resemblance stopped. She had the beauty everyone dreams of having ; blue eyes and perfect facial structure. She was also very popular in our Faction. Making friends with everyone , even people she didn't like.

I knew deep down she belonged in Dauntless , but after getting my Aptitude test results , I hoped she would make the decision to stay in Erudite. Ashley was smart. Even if she didn't want to show it.

She told me the night before the Choosing Ceremony she was transferring to Dauntless. I tried to hide my disappointment , but I know she could see it. We fought that night. I'm surprised she's asking if I'm okay now.

I pointed towards the other transfers , "Pay attention."

We both turned out attention towards the Dauntless man standing at the edge of the roof. I snuck a glance at Ashley. Even after jumping off a roof she looked beautiful.

"Welcome to Daunless ," the man spoke loudly. "My name is Eric , I'm one of the five leaders in Dauntless."

"There's only one way to get into the Dauntless compound - by jumping." He gestured behind him , insinuating we were jumping off the roof. A smirk crept onto his face , oh shit ... we're jumping off the roof.

"So , who's jumping first ?"

I WAS OVERPOWERED by fear. No one was on the roof except myself and Eric , who was growing frustrated by the second.

My heart beat fast as Eric approached me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me roughly , causing a cry a pain to escape my mouth. We stopped at the edge of the roof. This is it , I thought , he's gonna push me over.

"Are you gonna jump or not initiate ?" He said between gritted teeth. "Going to let your sister take all the spotlight ?" "How did you .." My voice trailed off.

Eric scoffed. "You both came here wearing Erudite clothing , she rushed to your side after you jumped from the train. Given she's ten times prettier than you , but I can see the relation."

"How dare you !" I yell in anger. "You have no right to say such things. God , I came here to escape living in her shadow."

He came close to me , close enough for me to hear him whisper. "Than do it , escape." His hand made its way to my back and with a slight push , I was sent over the edge.

Word count : 558

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