ch.10 empty canvas

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Kais point of view

I woak up feeling the sun on my face. I sat up and yawned. Did I sleep on the floor? I thought as I looked around. My eyes then landed on Nia. NIA! I started to back away from the corner.
She slept with me? But why? Wasint she mad at me for what I did!? I started to get up when Nia started to stir. I stopped in my tracks hopeing that she had calmed down by now and didn't want to kill me. "Kai?" She asked me tiredly once she saw me. "Yeah?" I replied with my calmest tone possible so I didnt trigger her.
She looked up at me in a more calm manner than yesterday. "I'm sorry... I overreacted." I relaxed and sat back on the floor. "Its fine. I should have told you I guess..."

Nias point of view

"No it's not kai! I shouldn't have yelled at you and lloyd like that! Nomater what the problem was." Kai looked me in the eyes. "Look... we both were at falt this time around ok. Let's just move past this and go help the others. We have pyro snakes to deal with right now. We don't have time for this." He said sternly. I didnt say a word and nodded. "Ok..." I mumbled.

Lloyds point of view

We were looking at the digital map Borg had pulled up trying to figure out where these snakes could be. "Do you think there underground?" Jay asked us. I was about to reply when someone spoak behind me. "They are pyro snakes. They could be in a volcano for all we know." I turned around to find kai and Nia. "Kai has a point. We dont know anything other than these snakes are called pyro snakes and that they can take or weaken our powers. We have estimated things such as that they could be the same snakes that there parents were fighting but we have yet to confirm them. Were running on a blank canvas here." Pixel stated while looking at the map. Jay than started to shout. "Maybe the serpentine tribes will know!" He yelled while jumping up and down. "Jay has a good point guys. If anyone knows about these snakes. It would be them." Cole stated. I nodded. "Does everyone agree." Everyone nodded. "Then its settled. Were going to go to the other serpentine tribes for answers. I'm just going to inform my father and Wu first before we go." They nodded.
I walked over to my parents and unkle room. "Sesnsi, can I come in?" I asked while knocking on the door. "Yes lloyd." I heard my dads voice come through the door. I walked into the room. "Were going to go ask the serpentine tribes if they know the pyro snakes." I said while walking in. Wu nodded. " I will come with you." My mom came over to us with borg. "Unfortunately I have to ask you guys to leave kai and pixel here." I looked at her. "Why?" I asked. "I'm not 100% sure I got pixels programming completely right and would like to make sure I did so before she goes back out to fight." Borg said scratching the back of his head. My mom nodded. "And kai is in no shape to fight right now. I still need to take another look at his wounds now that they should have stopped bleeding. It's just another percossion, expeacally since we dont fully understand what they did to him still." I nodded. "Alright mom. Wu and I will tell them." She nodded again and started to walk away with Borg but turned back to us. "Tell them to meet us in the infirmary." I nodded once more before she continued to walk away. I looked at Wu. "Alright. Let's go." He nodded. We left the room and ran into the others. "Alright is everyone ready?" I asked them. They all nodded. "Unfortunately kai and pixel. You guys have to stay. My mom and borg need to speak with you two in the infirmary." I expected kai to complain about haveing to stay but he didnt. He looked at me and sighed. "Alright. Good luck guys." He walked away, pixel not far behind him. "I had expected him to complain about it." Jay spaok for all of us. I nodded. " I think we all did." I said. Wu nodded. "Kai knows just as well as I do not to disobey what Misaco says. She is not nice when it comes to injuries and you not listening to her orders." He said. "Now let's get going. We dont have much time."

Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I need ideas and fast becouse I sont have any. Any suggestions on how to give the book another boost so my brain starts to function again. 😂
I didnt even know what to call this chapter.

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