ch. 16 the fusion temple

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Kais point of view

"Ok so what do we do with the fusion blade?" I asked him curious. "And why Is it here?" He looked at me. "The fusion blade was made by your parents, we needed a safe place to hide the last timeblade so they used there powers to create the fusion blade so they could go underwater in the blazing sea... while doing so though they found a underwater temple." Pixel walked over to us. "And I take it that's where were going. To the underwater temple." Garmadon nodded. "The vipers now mainly consist of fire. There not going to surch deep under the ocean." Misaco nodded. "Garmadon is right. That's the safest place to go right now. Let's get a move on before aspheera starts looking for us." We all nodded.

A few hours later

"How much farther are we?" I was riding the ultra dragon with Garmadon while pixel, misaco and borg were all in pixela mech. Garmadon stopped where we were. Pixel stopped at turned around. "Why did you stop?" Garmadon looked down. "Where here." I looked over the edge not seeing anything but water. "Ok so... how do we use the blade thing?" I asked trying not to freak out due to my fear of water. "You must use it to open. A path towards the temple. "But how!  I dont have my powers in order to activate it?!" I said now annoyed. "Listen to me kai. Theres something that Wu has never actually understood that I do. Your parents were the first elemental masters to actually get together! You dont have just one of there powers! Yes fire apears to be your donut gene while water is your sisters but you both have a trace of both powers! Aspheera thinks she took away your power but she actually never did! She only weekend it temporarily and is making you think you dont have it!" I glared at him. "How do you know that!" I asked. He looked at me. "Becouse your powers cant be stolen! There part of your Gene's! The most someone can do to them is make them lay dormant and weaken them! You have to believe that you have them kai!" He said sternly to me. He turned around and grabbed the fusion blade. "TRY IT!" He said even more stern. I took the fusion blade and looked at it. I noticed every little detail. The carvings of my parents names, the blue and red fire along with the water, every single scratch on the blade, this dragon in the middle, but most importantly, I saw both mine and nias names on it. I looked up at Garmadon one last time. "Listen to me kai. Let the fire and water infuse with you. Infuse with your elements." He said calmly. I looked back down at the fusion blade and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath.

Pixels point of view

I watched as the fusion blade started to glow red and blue. Kai opened his eyes and looked at the blade than closed them again. What he didn't notice was his eyes glowing along with the blade. Fire appeared and so did water surrounding the blade. I looked down at the water as an opening started to appear. "Wow." I heard borg behind me. I nodded. "Yeah." Garmadon signaled us to start flying down and dove into the opening. Fallowing his lead I did the same. I carefully fallowed Garmadon through the twists and turns until we came into empty area. We were in the temple. It was an underwater building in this air bubble.

Kais point of view

Garmadon told me I could stop and I did so. I opened my eyes and looked around. It was like an underwater forest. The temple sat in the middle of it. There was waterfalls coming off of it and torches all around it. "Welcome to the fusion temple." Garmadon said while landing the dragon.

Pixels point of view

"Pixel? Pixel come in." I heard Nias voice through the com. "Nia!? Where are you?" I answered. "Pixel! I had a power surge and managed to break the vengstone cage we were in. Where are you guys!? Send us your location."   Garmadon and kai walked over to us. "Its the others! They managed to escape." I told them. Garmadon nodded "send them our location." I sent Nia out location. "Once you get to our location let us know. We need to let you guys in." I waited for nias reply. "Copy that. Were on our way."

Nias point of view

I nodded to the others. "Ok we got there location. Let's get going before aspheera realizes that were gone." I started to fly in the direction we were told to go. "I still don't understand how you got that power surge. In fact I dont understand how your power was able to withstand vengstone!" Jay said fallowing me. "We dont have time to think about that right now jay. We have to go make sure the others are ok. Who knows what could have happened after we got cought." Cole stated. Wu interrupted them. "Cole is right. Let's hurry."

Another chapter done. Sorry it's a bit shorter than the others. It's just getting the story to continue. I hope your enjoying this so far! Bye!

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