ch. 22 elemental eater

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(Beautiful dragon. 😁)

Lloyd's point of view

"Great! Were back here in the all vengeful cave!" Jay complained. Nya say in the corner looking at the ground. I walked over to her sitting next to her. "He saved my life but..." nya looked up into my eyes. I could tell she was about to cry. I looked down. "Dont blame yourself Nya. He chose to save you and I'm sure he would have done the same if it were any of us." I stated fiddling with my hands. We all sat in silence. A heavy sorrow filled the atmosphere. "I just can't believe he's gone." Cole spaok up breaking the silence. Zane nodded. "I thought kai and I would be together much longer than we were... after I found out about our parents... how they died..." nya stated. Jay's head shot up. "Y-you know!?" He asked. Nya nodded. "Our parents statues were in the temple. Both statues stated that they were dead." She looked down at the ground again. "I never even got the chance to get to know them... kai was the closest faimly I had... I never even got the chance to ask him what they were like." Nya started crying. Jay came over and hugged his girlfriend. "Sh, shh. I'm here nya." He whispered to the crying girl while rocking her back and forth. I looked over at Wu who stood in the corner in silence. He had a face of shame and regret while looking down. I knew what he regretted. He regretted the fact that he didnt try hard enough to get us out of this mess. He thinks this was his falt when it wasint. "Theres a chance he could still be alive right?" Cole asked sensei Wu. Wu nodded. Ca very low chance but theres a chance. Though I wouldn't get your hopes up cole. One of those rocks could kill someone alone. None less than a whole pile of them." Cole looked down ashamed. "I should have jumped in. I could have cought the rocks with my elemental power." He stated looking down. Zane finally spaok up. "Dont be to hard on yourself. It happens to fast for everyone to understand what was going on until it was too late." I nodded. "How did aspheera even know we were there?" I asked trying to change the subject. I loved kai no doubt but this isn't what he would want. All of is sulking around over his death. He would want us to move on with our lives and protect ninjago and his sister for him and that's what I intend to do. "I dont know. I thought we were safe but I guess I was wrong." Wu stated. I looked at the vengstone. "Nya do you know how we got out of here last time?" She shook her head. "I dont. It just happened." She mumbled still gripping Jay. I sighed. Guess that means I'm going to have to make a gameplan.

Pixels point of view

Garmadon and I have been pushing bolders all day and we barely have made a dent. "Pixel is you mech working?" He asked me. I walked over to It. "Hang on let me check." I started it up and it started right away. Misaco nodded. "Looks like it dies work." Garmadon jumped. "Misaco, borg!? Where have you been!?" He asked startled. "We were hiding from aspheera." Borg stated. Garmadon nodded and looked up at me. "Pixel! Take those rocks off kai!" I nodded and made my way over to the rock pile. One by one I took the bolders off kai with ease. I stopped in shock. "What!? What is it?!" I had only removed the top layer so Garmadon couldn't see inside it but there under all the rocks wasint kai. But a blue and red dragon. The dragon started to wake up and I stepped back. It stood up removing all the rocks. Under the dragon was what I couldn't belive. Kai was there unharmed. He looked up at us and than the dragon in shock. "Kai!" I shouted jumping out of the mech and giveing him a hug. "I'm alive? But how!?" He asked confused. I looked up at the dragon. "The fusion dragon?!" I stated pointing up at it. The dragon with two head lowered itself so kai could pet its head. "You saved my life?!" He stated looking at the dragon. The dragon flew up and flew in circles around its statue than it landed infront of us again. "It looks like you have made a new friend kai." Garmadon stated. Kai nodded. "Looks like it. Now... sensei Garmadon. You seem to know a lot about the fusion temple and everything. You dont mind maybe, teaching me how to control my new found power?" Garmadon nodded. "That's my job kai. I'll teach you everything you need to know." I nodded. "Aspheera wont come back for us. She thinks your dead and has considered the reat of us useless in her eyes. Meaning that we just might have a chance. Expeacally if we get help from the other elemental masters." I stated. Kai looked up at me. "That's a good idea pixel. The other elemental masters would be helpful at this point. I dont think the three is us would be able to fight her army alone." Garmadon nodded. "Than we have no time to lose."

Pythors point of view

Aspheera and I stood on the podium where she sat. One of our secret helpers has come to speak with us. "Emperor aspheera. I have come with news for you." The male raspy voice stated. "What may that be?" She asked. He bowed. "My minions and I have confirmed that the red ninja is still alive, and he plans to come for you." Apsheera smiled. "Alright then. Let him come! I wait his arrival. I have a few more surprises for the boy up my sleeve." She laughed. I soon joined in. "And what may those be Aspheera?" I asked. She nodded. "I knew the boy had a chance of surviving, so I have someone here for him and his friends to face." She lead me to a room. "Behold! My greatest creation! My creation that I created with my own magic! Able to use all the powers I infused with! Fire,water,mind,speed and time! And since they plan on attacking with other elemental masters. The more he and I kill! The stronger we get!" I laughed. "Empress, you definitely thought this through." She smiled. "Indeed I did. Pythor! Meet the ninjas greatest match! The elemental eater!"

Ha done this chapter and things are starting to get good! Now here are the questions for today

Always thers always going to be this question
What's your favorite part of the chapter?

Do you think the ninja will escape

What do you think or who do you think aspheera's creation is?

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