ch. 20 tunnels in tunnels

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Jay's point of view

"They have been in there for too long. I dont like it." I stated sitting next to cole. He nodded. "Yeah sensei. They've been in there since last night." We all were sitting together eating some Berry's pixel and lloyd found for us to eat. It now evening. Garmadon nodded and stood up. "For once I agree with the ninja. We should go check things out." Wu nodded. "Very well. Common everyone. Let's go." We all got up and made our way too the entrance of the temple. "Wow." Lloyd said behind us. "Oh yeah you guys didnt see this yet!" I laughed to myself. They nodded.

Nias point of view

I walked around the opening that was surrounded by waterfalls. It was beautiful. I looked at every single statue and have been reading there labels trying to find some clue of why this is here. I walked over to the final statuem "alright you statue. You better have some answers to why I'm here." I growled annoyed. So far the other statues have given me no clue onto what's going on. I looked down and started to read.

This statue was made in memory of Maya Smith-

I paused. "Maya smith?" I asked myself. "As in our mom?" I looked up at the statue. "I never actually knew what she looked like.... and I'm talking to myself... great." I laughed under my breath looking back down at the words on the statue.

A loveing mother of two children, a loveing wife, and the elemental master of water.
Died at the hands of a serpentine emperor.

I looked back up. "So your dead huh?... all this time." I sighed. "I suppose I cant be mad at you for leaving me and Kai alone for all these years." I laughed. "After all I'm sure you would have come home if you could." I laughed to myself again. (Damn nia is taking this much better than kai. 😂) I continued to look around. "You know I feel much better knowing what happend to you..." I laughed to myself again. "And I'm talking to myself again. I should have brought jay with me." I laughed again. I looked at a back wall which was glowing. I walked over. "Hm?" I walked closer touching the wall. It suddenly shattered opening another path. "What!? Wow!" I fell back shocked at the sudden change. I looked down the hall that glowed this light blue color while getting up. I looked back at moms statue one more time. "I know I dont remember you but... I forgive you... for everything."
I looked back down the hall and started to walk down it. Looking back one more time as moms statue came out of sight. I sighed. "I wish I remembered you."

Coles point of view

We came to an opening that split into two tunnels. "Of course it splits!" Jay complained. I nodded. "Alright so what are we going to do?" I asked. "Pixel, lloyd, zane and I could go down the red path while you guys go down the blue.." Garmadon spoak up. Wu nodded. "That's a good idea. Jay, and cole you fallow me." Jay and I nodded before fallowing sensei Wu down the blue tunnel.

Zanes point of view

We started to fallow Garmadon down the red tunnel. "I've never seen anything like this place. Everything is so lit up." Lloyd stated. I nodded. "Not even the programming in my ones and zeros cant give me an emotion to explain how I'm feeling." I stated. Pixel nodded in agreement. "By the color of the tunnel I assume this is the tunnel to the fire side of the fusion temple." Garmadon stated. I nodded. "I agree with that assumption." We all continue to walk in silence.

Pythors point of view

I slithered through the doors to aspheera's throne room. "Aspheera, your majesty. I have returned." She turned to me. "This better not be disappointing pythor." She said comming over to me. "I assure you that it's not. As I have done what you wished." I pulled out the fusion diamond. "Behold! The fusion diamond of fire and water! Just as you commanded." Aspheera came closer to me and I handed her the diamond. She looked at it inspecting it before giveing me this pleased smile. "I have to admit pythor. I'm pleased." I bowed again. "Now that I have the diamond. All I need to do is combine it with my emrald of darkness on my staff and my power will be heightened to a strength no man can match!" She laughed. I looked at her. "My apologies your highness but what exactly does the emerald of darkness do?" She smiled again. "The emrald of darkness is what allows my people to take elemental masters powers after we kill them permanently." I looked at the emrald as she showed me it in awe. "That's how you took that pesky fire masters power so easily." She nodded. "Perhaps. Most of thah was my doing, but the emrald of darkness definitely played a part in it. Unfortunately for him, they dont know that I have Ray's powers as well... hence making my fire two times stronger than his child's. In the end they all will obey me as they should." I smiled. "And what's your plan for that Apsheera?" She used her magic to spawn some sort of model. "Simple. We have to kidnap all of the fire ninjas useful friends but this time... when we attack. Were going to crush him with an avalanche of rocks!" She laughed. I watched the model move as the mini figure of her used her magic to couse the rocks to fall on top of the red figure. I laughed. "Master... your a devious one!"

Kais point of view

I open my eyes, everything was a bit blurry and I couldn't really remember how I got where I was. I tried to sit up but got dizzy so I fell back down. This time i waited for my vision to set. Sitting up I looked around. I was still in that room. How long was I out? What happend to me? I thought while getting up. It was then I saw my reflection on one of the metal plates that were on the statues. I looked at myself shocked. My Gi was no longer solid red. It was split in half with a swirl entering both colors with the opposite color. My Gi now was blue and red. I looked down at my hands. I had blue and red gloves on. "Wow! What the hell!?" I yelped in shock. I took of my eyepatch covering the eye that was glowing orange before. It was now glowing blue while my other eye as orange! "What!? What's going on?!" I yelped again. I looked over at the wall as it opened leading to another path. "Another one?" I mumbled to myself. I looked at the ground and saw the fusion blade glowing again. "Ughh you better be right you stupid blade!" I growled while picking it up and running down the red hallway. I dont know what happened to me, but I do know one thing. Whatever happened to me, I have to work with it.

Omg another chapter done! I cant belive it's the 20th chapter and were just getting into the good stuff! 😂 anyways what's your favorite part of this chapter, what do you think will happen. What's going on with kai?

Also no one was correct in our last guessing game. Try again. Maybe you will be right. 😁😂

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