ch.12 round two

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Lloyd's point of view

We had gotten back from our mission a bit ago. I'm now looking for kai knowing where he most lickly is. I knocked on the door to the room I found him in the other day. "Come in."  I quietly walked in. "Hey kai, we need to talk." He looked at me. "Ok lloyd. What is it? He asked nervously. I looked him dead in the eye.

Kais point of view

"Dont think I didnt notice the eye patch kai?! What's going on!?" He said sternly while glaring into my soal. Shit! I had completely forgot about that! "Its nothing lloyd." I said trying to divert away from the problem. "Dont. Lie. To Me Kai!" He said even more stern than before. This moment made me remember what happened a few days ago before the monastery burned down.

He looked at me again. "Lost in thought about what kai?" I looked him in the eye glaring daggers at him. "What do you think!? Why do you care so much anyway!?" I growled back. He got in a defensive stance. "Because after what happened with krux and acronix you havent been acting like yourself! There was ways something off about you even before that burn!" I stood up and got into a defensive stance myself.  "Oh your one to talk!" I growled back. Lloyd took a step forward. "What the hell is wrong with you kai!? Why are you being such a jerk!?" He yelled. I growled and yelled back. "Like I would tell you!" I yelled back. Setting my fist on fire. Lloyd did the same thing. I swung at him but he dodged it taking aim for me but I moved out of the way. He growled at me. "Why cant you just tell me what's going on!?" He yelled at me. I continued to swing back at him, he blocked my punch. "Becouse there nothing going on!" I yelled back. He growled. "Stop lieing!" He punched himself at me.

"L-lloyd stop... we dont want anything to happen like last time do we?" Lloyd stopped to think about what I was talking about for a moment before stepping back. "Fine. But if you wont tell me what's wrong than who would you tell?" He asked glaring at me. "No one." I mumbled. "What did you say." I looked him in the eyes and growled at him angered. "I. Said. No one!" I yelled. He got in a defensive stance.
I did as well. "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS KAI!? WHAY DO YOU ALWAYS KEEP SECRETS!?" Lloyd screamed at me ready to pounce. "BECOUSE I WOULDN'T TELL SOMEONE LIKE YOU, MR, IM DESTINED TO BE YOUR LEADER, STUPD GREEN NINJA!" lloyd snapped. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" he screamed at me at the top of his lungs before plunging at me. I dodged his first attack "YOU HEARD ME!" I screamed back.

Jay's point of view

Oh god there screaming again! Please tell me there not trying to kill each other. Cole and I both looked at each other and darted towards the room they were in. We busted through the door and they looked like they were about ready to kill each other. "You get kai I got lloyd!" Cole yelled at me while running towards lloyd. I ran over to kai and grabbed him. Surprisingly he didnt put up much of a fight. Lloyd however was the opposite. "YOU BOTH NEED TO CALM DOWN! DONT LET WHATEVER IS CONTROLLING YOU CONTROL YOU GUYS! COMMON I THOUGHT YOU BOTH WERE STRONGER THAN THIS!" cole yelled at them both hopeing to snap them out of it. Zane then came in. "Zane! Go get sensei Wu! Tell him its happened again!" I yelled. Zane nodded and ran out the door.

Zanes point of view

I ran into the room where everyone who wasint in the room with kai and lloyd was. "Sensie! Jay and cole need your help! Its happened again!" He looked at me confused. "What's happening again zane?" He asked. "Lloyd, kai! Purple eyes! Trying to kill each other again!" Sensi than cought on. "AGAIN? I THOUGHT WE GOT RID OF WHATEVER WAS DOING THIS!?" I shook my head. "Common Nia let's go snap them out of it." Everyone fallowed me to the room. Borg, Garmadon and misaco looked scared when we entered since they havent seen this before unlike the rest of us. Sinsei EU walked between them like last time. "BOTH OF YOU SNAP OUT OF IT!" He yelled at the top of his lungs snapping both of them out of ther trance. Lloyd put his hand on his head and shut his eyes groaning while kai passed out and jay cought him before he hit the ground. "Kai!?" Nia ran over to him helping jay. I walked over to lloyd and helped him gain his balance again as he swayed back and forth. "You ok?" I asked him concerned. He looked up at me and nodded. "My head hurts a lot. That was definitely stronger than the first time." He said weakly. He looked up and over to kai almost panicking. "Its fine lloyd. You didnt hurt him. He just passed out when we broke the spell." Sensei Wu nodded. "What was that!?" I almost forgot sensei Garmadon was here. "We dont actually know. All we know is that its happened once before but that time was not nearly as strong as this time." Wu answerd Garmadon worriedly. I looked at kai as he groaned. He tried to sit up but only fell backwards groaning again. "Stay down kai." Nia told him panicked. I looked at lloyd as he whimpered again. Wu kept looking back and forth before lloyd nearly collapsed as well. I grabbed Lloyd's arm helping him keep balance. "Lloyd you should sit down." I told him while helping him stand up. He whimpered in response. I helped him sit down while his mother came over to help him. Wu went over to kai with Garmadon. Today has been a disaster.

Is it true! Two chapters today! I might make a third too! I'm on a role! 😂

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