The next morning

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"Dude, where the fuck is Bailey?" Grayson asks frantically, speed walking up to my side.

"What do you mean?" I ask, just as confused as he was.

"I haven't seen her all day at school, apparently Grace hasn't either and one of her teachers who asked me where she was?"

"What the fuck?" I ask, frowning.

The Blue skys turn a dark grey within a second, rain starts pelting down upon me and Grayson. We both run to the car, already getting wet.

I drive faster and more carelessly then normal. The time seems to be flying by, and before I know it I'm pulling the car into the drive way.

"Bailey!" My voice echoes through the seemingly empty house.

My legs carried me up the stairs towards my sisters room.

"Please just be in your room, please..." I whisper to myself.

Her room was empty.

"BAILEY?" I was panicking slightly by now, this just wasn't like her.

I run towards the next open door to look in, nothing. I knock on the bathroom door, with no answer I push the door open,

"What-what the fuck!"

I had finally found her, on the bathroom floor. Blood was everywhere, and I thought she was dead.

"GRAYSON! GRAYSON!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I drop to my knees and crawl over next to her.

The rain gets louder. I turn on the shower and scoop under her arms to pull her on top of me as I collapse back into the shower.

Grayson appears in the door way,

"What the fuck did you do Ethan!" He yells, grabbing his hair.

I stutter and slur my words, nothing can come out.

"YOU FUCKING KILLED HER!" Grayson shouts. The words he yelled replaying on loop in my head like a horrible echo.

She killed herself because of me? I killed her?

I fling forward and wake up, I snapped my head to the left and the right to scan my surroundings and confirm I was out of the nightmare. I can hear Grayson in the shower, I glance over and see his bed empty.I realise how much Im panting as I jump up to my feet and walk down the hallway towards Baileys room. I wipe away tears that I don't remember leaving my eyes.

I'm relieved as I see the sight of her sleeping, snores echoing out of the room.

My body slumps back towards my room, I can barely focus on how hungover I am as my brain plays the awful dream over and over.

Unlike last night I make it to my bed, pulling the sheets over me and closing my eyes.


I had been awake for 40 minutes, and had not been out of bed once. When I gradually woke up, everything just felt so much worse that i kept trying to shut my eyes and go back to sleep. After the 3rd attempt I gave up and had rolled onto my back and stared at the roof, which leads to where I still am now.... 40 minutes later.

I could hear that Grayson was awake, he clattered around somewhere downstairs. Everything from last night played in my head on a loop, it was horrible.

I briefly considered getting out of bed, but my body was telling me it can't: I was so depressed, nothing mattered, and everything was an effort. I managed to roll over and grab my phone to check the time.

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