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A Scorned Fate

Akaashi Keiji
Present Day

Keiji stood before his father, who sat on his throne. Even sitting down, the man still looked over Keiji, causing the boy to shrink in on himself. His father has always been an intimidating presence, he has been for as long as Keiji could remember. Though he wasn't always this cold, war really could change a person. It's changed Keiji's father, it's changed his siblings, the people. It's even changed Keiji.

He bowed his head, keeping it down. His mother, who had been standing close by, retreated back to her place beside his father. She looked even more grim now, hands folded in front of her as she stared at the ground.

It only worried Keiji, his chest fluttering with anxiety. His imagination was limitless, fueling himself with every possible bad news he could think of. Each one seemed to be worse than the last.

"You needed me, father," Keiji finally spoke. He wasn't sure how long he could stand the eerie silence.

"My youngest child," the man started, elbow rested against the arm of his throne. His voice echoed through the large room, sending goosebumps down Keiji's spine. "Out of six children, my only omega."

It was true, besides his mother, Keiji was the only other omega in the family. That, and being the youngest, he was never destined for greatness, a life full of luxuries and achievements. He was the rut of their family, a name that would get lost down the family line.

So sometimes he questioned, why his father had so greatly disapproved his choices, why he spat down on his love. Sometimes Keiji still pondered, what would have happened if he did run away, if he left forever with the only person that truly mattered to him.

"You've made a mockery of our name, you've disobeyed me and let me down."

Keiji's lips tightened into a thin line, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. He never really was one to live up to his families name. Everyone's always been so successful, if they aren't on the throne, then they were finding success elsewhere. Whether it be on the battle field, or by commuting themselves to the church.

Keiji has done none of that, he defied his father an everything the man wanted of him. With a strained voice, he spoke. "I never meant to cause you so much trouble, father," it was an obvious lie, one that his father could probably see right through. Either way, the king did not speak of it.

There was a long moment of silence. His fathers eyes trained on him. It sent prickles down his spine, ones of discomfort and fear.

"It's time for you to grow up, to commit your loyalty to our kingdom."

Keiji's eyebrows furrowed and he lifted his head. An unsettling rumble set in his stomach. "What do you mean?"

"For the passed months... I've been meeting with the High King of Fukurodani."

King Bokuto Koutarou. Even thinking the name filled Keiji's veins with spite, a searing anger. The thought of his father, sitting in the same room with the man who has caused so much pain for his kingdom... Keiji glared, his lips pulling into a scowl.

"It's time that this war finally meets its end, many lives have been lost, and our economy is beginning to fall. It won't be long before my people are left helpless, for I have become useless to them. I've done everything I can and in the end, it's not enough."

"What does this have to do with me?"

His fathers lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes sliding over to his Queen. She kept her teary eyes to the ground, only darting to her husbands before looking away. That sinking feeling only dug deeper inside of Keiji and he had half the mind to just run out. He wasn't sure he wanted to hear whatever his father had to say.

"King Koutarou is... a stubborn man. Every offer I gave him, every treaty I've made, he turned with nothing more than a wave of his hand. I even offered him a great majority of our workers, he turned them down without much thought. But..." his father trailed off, face suddenly setting into something akin to uncertainty.

"He made... a disposition."

Keiji knew far to well what his father was getting at. His face suddenly fell pallid, eyes widening at an unbelievable size. It was almost like a wave crashing over him, drowning him in fear and dread.

"More so a marriage contract. He has requested... your hand in marriage, and doing so, our two kingdoms will be joined. My rule will fall under his, and we will become one of the many territories of Fukurodani-"

"No-" Keiji snapped, though his voice came out brittle and small. His hands shook by his side and he refused to meet his fathers sharp gaze. "No, I will not allow this... I will not allow you to ship me off, like- Like I'm nothing more than an object!" Even now, as he defied his father, Keiji knew it was useless. He knew his words fell on deaf ears, that his denial was left in the wind.

"How dare you," The king roared, the room coming to a still. The staff that stood nearby froze in place, averting their wide eyes. "How dare you rebel against me. Your father, your king."

"I will not be a silly trophy for that monster," Keiji argued back, tears blurring his vision. He was seeing white. White that was so hot with anger it made his head dizzy. Yes, he was angry. Keiji was also scared, scared for this forced fate that has been stowed upon him. And he felt betrayed, because the only promise he's ever asked of his father has been broken. He didn't let this go unnoticed.

"You promised," he cried, "you promised I could live out my days here, just as me. As a prince who held no higher title." He cried harder, "you promised me!"

His father rose from his throne, the motion coming so fast that Keiji hadn't noticed until he felt the sharp sting on his damp cheek. His weeping fell silent and the trembling came to an abrupt end. Now, he could hear the soft cries from his mother, and in a way it comforted Keiji. At least he knew that he wasn't the only one against this.

"How pathetic," he father spat, "you weep like a child. Are you a Child?" Keiji's jaw was set, the bones grinding as he spoke through clenched teeth.


"No, you are not. You are a prince. You will bleed for your people, you will love your people, you will protect your people. And you will protect them at any cost, will you or will you not?"

"I will," Keiji muttered, watching as his tears dropped onto the marble floor. His chest felt heavy, and he suddenly felt guilty. How selfish of him, to put his own worries before his people. He's been taught better. "Forgive me, father," his voice was a whisper, a watery one full of sorrow, "I do not know what came over me."

"Are you done with your petty tantrums?"


His father released a satisfied sigh, and finally, his stoic expression broke. His brows softened, eyes falling slightly and the wrinkles between his brows vanished. He placed his hand on the back of Keiji's neck, "This was never what I wanted for you, Keiji... My dear son. You must know that."

Keiji wanted to believe him, he wanted to trust his father's words... but then he thought of Akinori, and what his father had done. His brows furrowed in anger, but he said nothing.

"May I leave now," he muttered.

His father nodded, offering an inside smile. Keiji harshly shoved the man's hand off of him before storming out of the room. The guards hurriedly opened the large doors, refusing to meet the prince's eye as he marched passed them.

He marched all the way back to his living quarters, and he slammed the door shut behind him. Finally, in the safety of his own room, he broke down. He collapsed by the door, falling to his knees with a loud sob.

It suddenly hit him all at once. He just kept drowning, further and further until he couldn't breath. His heart ached, with both sadness and anger. It burned through his veins, a sickness ripping in his throat with every choked sob.

What would become of him?


It's been a minute since I updated this. I've been really focusing on the chapters for Nobuyuki. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As you can see, things aren't looking good for Akaashi. But nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed (:

- Bumble

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