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A Sea of Nightmares

Akaashi Keiji
Past Tense
9 Winters Ago

Keiji casted his gaze through the window of the carriage with curiosity. His fingers curled around the edge of said window, chin rested on them as he watched the tree's pass. Their gorgeous leaves blew in the wind, baby birds chirping from their nest.

It was cloudy, but that was quite normal, even for a spring day like this one. Being close to the mountains offered weather that was nothing like south Zmaj.

The carriage rattled, and from outside, Keiji could hear the horses whinnying. He leaned further out the window, head tilting as he looked ahead.

There was another carriage in front of them, whose passengers were his father and a couple of his siblings. Along side of both sides of the carriages, guards walked along with them, protecting the royal family from any trouble.

There was a small tug on his robes and he whipped his head around to see his mother smiling kindly. "Be careful, Keiji. You're practically hanging out of the window."

Keiji blinked, glancing down to find that he really was. Quickly, he sat back in his seat, his cheeks flushing when his father's advisor chuckled. Nijo, one of his elder brothers, also snickered, though more on a teasing manner.

"Keiji, ya sure you're brain is working up there?"

Keiji stuck his tongue out, his nose scrunching as he did so. His mother gasped, scowling. Even then, her face was still rather calm. "Keiji, manners." She then turned to Nijo, tutting, "and leave your brother alone, Nijo. He's only enjoying the journey."

The two boys nodded, shoulders slumping at their mother's berating. with a huff, Keiji look back out the window.

They were traveling through Mamid, one of the territories of the Fukurodani hold. In North Mamid, they would reach the nearest docks to take them to Seijou. They were visiting for his uncle's birthday.

Keiji always enjoyed Seijou, it was beautiful there, and watching the dragons fly from a distance was a sight to behold. He even got to befriend one, an angry boy names Hajime.

The first time Keiji met Hajime, he was quite intimidated by the scowling face and the deep black scales that traveled up the sides of his neck. He was even more intimidating in his dragon form, which was the same shade of black.

But he was a close friend of Tooru's, so it wasn't that hard getting along with him.

Keiji sighed as he leaned back in his seat. He then turned to his mother, pressing his cheek against her arm as he leaned against her. "Mama, when will we arrive at the docks? I feel like we've been traveling for forever!"

She chuckled, combing her fingers through the young boy's hair. "We'll get there when we get there, Keiji. Which should be soon."

And with perfect timing, the carriage jerked to a stop. Keiji yelped, gripping onto his mother to keep himself from flying off the seat. The advisor lurched toward, hands flying out to keep the queen from falling herself.

"Y-your highness! Are you alright?!"

she huffed out a laugh, brushing a few hairs that fell from her bun out of her face, "yes, I'm quite alright. "

Both Nijo and Keiji leaned out the window, trying to spot what caused them to stop so suddenly. They were still in the middle of the forest, no where near the docks. Keiji pouted.

The only thing in sight were the miles and miles of trees and a large log that laid across the path. The guards were inspecting it and Keiji watched as his father climbed out of the carriage.

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