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"HELP!" A cry from a high pitched voice caught my attention- not like that was hard to do- And my head swiveled on its axis to assess the situation. Seeing an injured Tommy on the ground, my brain went into overdrive and said, 'it's go time,'

I leap up as fast as I could, rushing over to the weapons table as I felt the adrenaline flowing through my veins. A smile tugged at my lips, the thought of being in a fight lightening my spirits enormously. Tommy was wounded- it was the perfect cover for my urge to get revenge on Dream.

Many months before, Dream and I had engaged in a rough tussle. The dirty-blonde haired man left a deep gash under my left cheek, parallel with my chin line, as a token of his victory once he had me pinned and defenseless. He thought nothing of what it'd do to me- other than the physical damage, of course- but I thought of it every time I saw my reflection. It was the most prominent reminder of defeat I had even been given.

I tossed a beautifully curved bow to Phil as he appeared beside me, and called for Wilbur to tend to the boy's wounds. Tommy was cowering on the ground as I shot my first arrow over his head into the woods behind him without hesitation. Just a heads up to the offensive team that I didn't just use my vigorous training the last few months as a mere pastime.

Without receiving an arrow back, I shot another. It collided against wood- What I presumed to be a shield- and bounced into the tall brambles. "Nice to see you again, Technoblade," A voice called to me. It was ubiquitous, I couldn't tell whether or not my mind was playing tricks on me until an arrow was shot just past my head- as it only missed by about an inch, I knew it was a purposeful miss. I mean, what good was a fight that ended instantly, really? "It's a pleasure to see you still have that mark on your face, too,"

I ran my free hand across my scar, growling under my breath. As Tommy started to inch away like a slug across the ground, I'm sure even Phil saw the anger in my eyes as I stepped forward. Now that Tommy was out of the way, it was time for the real fun.

I loaded my bow, shooting arrow after arrow aimlessly into the directions that more arrows were being fired at us. It was useless trying to fire at targets that were virtually invisible to Phil and me, so I motioned for my friend to follow as I ran behind the tent closest to the dark trees. There were the sounds of heavy footfalls from further into the woods, putting more distance between us until I couldn't hear them anymore.

"This is never gonna end, Phil," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose once we were situated behind the flaps. "We can't win if they're fighting like cowards," I hadn't even been able to land a single arrow in that white-masked slob by that point, and it was really starting to tick me off.

"It's irritating," Phil agreed, sighing. "But what's stopping us from running straight into the trees and showing those-" He stopped, thinking over his choice of words, "And showing them who's boss?"

It was an alright idea, other than the fact that we would just be asking for an arrow to the skull. I grunted in response, rubbing my temple. I pulled my hand back, just to see the Scarlett blood coating my fingers. "I'm bleeding?" I asked, legitimately surprised at the fact. I didn't feel anything hit my head- maybe the thrill of finally being in a fight closed out all my other senses.

"Apparently-" Phil replied, just as shocked as I was even though he had been looking straight at me that whole exchange. "So, was that a yes or a no on running after those cowards?"

Thinking it over for a minute- and forgetting everything I'd ever taught myself about fighting- I sternly replied with an, "Of course, would you like me to lead the way?"

Phil nodded his head in delight, and then we were off.


The leaves crunched under our hands and knees as Phil and I made our way under the bushes. What Tommy didn't know was that there was a much easier opening to crawl through, it wasn't as narrow and thorny as the path he'd taken earlier. I looked up through the openings of the twigs, seeing previously shot arrows sticking out of trees all around. So this is where all of our arrows went, huh.

Having second thoughts about everything was a burden that I couldn't shake, so said burden followed me straight up to that point. What if I was making a mistake? What if I was putting Phil's life in danger? I guess we wouldn't find out until it was too late to do anything to stop the inevitable...

Sticking my head carefully out of an opening through the bushes, I smelt smoke a little further off. There was nothing to indicate there had been anyone around the area we were in for at least a few hours. Leaves lying neatly on the ground and sticks beside them, unbroken, were a good hint of that.

The light of day was fleeting fast, and the cold started to set in. "Should we turn back?" Phil questioned me. I'm sure he could feel the gears in my head turning rapidly, processing the situation. There was a soft crinkling of leaves from further off, but it was too dark already to assess whether or not it was potentially dangerous.

"I think that's a smart idea-" I started to say, but was cut off by another sound. It was hard to tell if my mind was playing tricks on me or not, and I settled for the latter. Although, that didn't stop my head from whipping back and forth while we stood there in the cold.

"C'mon, Techno," Phil grabbed my arm gently, "Let's get out of here- It feels like a trap," I nodded in response. Something was definitely off about this place.

We turned around slowly, scanning our surroundings, and started to trek back to camp...

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