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" Kenma... Why don't you tell me that you have a feeling for me..why don't you be honest and tell me earlier so that I can help you. You know what..i love you Kenma. I'm always love. So don't leave me..from the very start we met, you're the only one in my heart. I've never told you because I taught you loves chibi-chan. I was scared tajt you'll reject me. Kenma please come back. I beg you. I'll never let you suffer anymore. I will always loves you kenma. There no one I love besides you, " Kuroo crying loudly begging kenma to come back. Bokuto and Akaashi who was there beside him shocked after heard what kuroo said.

" o..oi..what do you mean by there's no one you love besides kenma? What about Tsukki. He's your husband you know. You're just married weeks ago.." Bokuto ask didn't believe with what kuroo said.

" can't you hear me! Kenma is the only one I love. I love him with all my heart. I've married Kei because I want to forgot about my feelings towards Kenma but I've never knew that it will end up like this. I've never knew that Kenma loves me too," Kuroo replied while crying hardly. Same expression from Bokuto and Akaashi..shocked. Can't believe that Kuroo never loves their moon friend. At that time Bokuto was about to hit Kuroo but...


" how could you do that to Tsukishima. He loves you very much that he do everything for you and this is what you give him. Why did he even met someone stupid. How can he fall for someone who didn't know how to appreciate him. What if he heard all this..what if he hurt...ill never forgive if something happen to him, " Akaashi slapped Kuroo angrily. Kuroo shocked...didn't believe that the cool Akaashi who was always calm will be mad.. He then dragged Bokuto with him leaving kuroo speechless alone...


Tsukishima was at their house prepared dinner for his husband. He didn't came at Kenma's funeral because Kuroo didn't allowed him. At first he forced to go but kuroo said that he will end up hurt so he just listened to his husband even he's confused with what his husband said.

A few minutes later, there's sound in the living room so that's mean Kuroo was home. When he tried to get Kuroo, his husband just ignored him at walked towards the guest room. Tsukishima was kinda confused but he slowly walked and knocked the door but he only got shouted by Kuroo...

" LEAVE ME ALONE!! I NEED SPACE!!" Tsukishima was speechless with what had happened and then he walked leaving Kuroo to give him some space. He clean the kitchen and and the food that he already cook..'maybe he'll eat it tomorrow' he taught. After he finished, he walked to his room with a sad face..

He know what happened...
He know why Kuroo is acting like that..
He know everything..


Tsukishima drove his car to visit Kenma's funeral because Akaashi ask him to. Akaashi said that he needs to at least visit because Kenma was their friend. When he arrived and about to come in, he heard a familiar voice crying was Kuroo..

Crack! '/! *? *!! *:#%? @

His eyes widened..cant believe with what he has heard...

' Tetsurou....loves....k..Kenma??? Eh?? ' it feel like his heart was about to fall... 'h..he..didn' Ha..ha..' Tsukishima smile a little..yes it was fake.. He heard everything.. From the very started until the moment Akaashi slapped his husband's face.
' is that's so...' tears slowly fall on his cheeks...

When he heard footsteps...he walked faster to get his car, leaving the place without anyone know that he was there... He didn't want anyone to know that he heard everything..he didn't want his friends to worry about him. When he got his cars, his phone ringing... It was Akaashi...he answered the call and talked like there's nothing happened...

" Tsukishima-san, where are you," Akaashi started the conversation..
" owh I'm at my house, you need anything??" he lied...he didn't want to heve secrets between them but he can't help from lying at that time..
" it's nothing..i just ask. Ermm do you planned to come at Kenma's funeral?" Akaashi asked..
" No I don't. I'm sorry but I have something to can't," he lied again..he know that Akaashi will ask that question so it surprise him.
" owh ok then, I just want to ask that actually..bye," they ended the call..


It's hurt..really hurt...he tried to deny that what Kuroo have said was just a lie..he believed that Kuroo talked without thinking but still...he can't help from crying hardly...he can't stop...

When he arrived at their house, he cried...loudly but no one heard one knows what he feel at that time..after hours and he made his decision...he will never told anyone about it..he just need to pretended  that he didn't heard anything..pretended that he didn't go anywhere but stayed at home hearing some classical music...pretended that he's fine...

' I'm fine....'


A/N : yeahhh we meet again...thank for reading this...i know this chapter is kinda boring?? I dunno..there're still along way to write but I need some time tho...

And I'm sorry my grammar (T////T) really bad..i will update the next chapter as soon as possible;) agshshsb tell me if there's something you didn't OK with an open person so you can tell me anything...see you on the next chapter

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