Chapter 7: Human contact

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A/N: 31.10.20

Happy Halloween, Homies 🍁🍂🎃

I have 2 upcoming projects.

1. I'm thinking of making book merch! Pins, stickers, mugs, etc. What do you guys think?

2. I'm also thinking of making a Youtube channel 😳


I crouched in front of the boys bathroom while quietly waiting for Parker to finish scrubbing his shoes in the sink. I could hear him mumbling angrily under his breath. I offered to help him, but he strictly told me to stay away. He then asked me to leave, but I told him that I wanted to wait.

We both missed our first hour of class. I felt sorry towards the professor. Ditching class was even worse than sleeping in class. I decided to text Freddy.

Me: Hello, Freddy. It's me Conan. I hope you're doing well. I accidentally vomited on Parker's shoes. Do you think he and I can still be my friends?

The sink stopped running, and a few seconds later, Parker came out of the bathroom in his socks. He held his wet sneakers by its strings. He pretended like I wasn't there and marched away. I quietly followed him like a ghost. 

"Go to class," I heard him say. 

"Okay." I turned around to leave. 


I stopped and glanced at him.

"Where are you going?" He asked. 

"To class. You said-"

"I know what I said," he snapped. "It doesn't mean I meant it."

"Does that mean you want me to stay?" I blinked.

"What I'm trying to say is that your professor won't let you in class, so you might as well stick with me."

I think that was Parker's way of asking me to stay.

"But keep a one meter distance from me. I don't want you puking on my socks," he warned me.


We continued to walk in silence, but a student who seemed to be in a rush ran past us, but I didn't want to break the one-meter rule so I didn't step aside. His shoulders knocked into mine and I lost my balance, falling on my bum. 

"Hey, watch it!" The student snapped at me.

"I'm sorry," I replied. The student was about to leave, but Parker grabbed him by the collar and yanked him back. The student blinked in surprise, the expression on his face turning from annoyance to fear when his gaze met Parker's. 

"Apologize to Dandelion," Parker ordered.


"Him. The idiot who fell on the floor," Parker said, nodding towards me. The student looked at me, and then back at Parker who was two heads taller. Even with his jacket, you could tell that Parker was strong. The student then turned towards me again. 

"Sorry, Dandelion," he mumbled.

"My name is Conan. It's nice to meet you."

Parker rolled his eyes and released the student who quickly scurried away. His eyes then shifted towards me. 

"What are you doing?" Parker said. 


He looked at me in despair.

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now