Chapter 21: A slice of pie

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A/N: 26.12.2020

Hello, everyone.

I'm planning on finishing CTD on Wattpad before 2021 for personal reasons. I explained everything on my Instagram story, which is also why I edited out some of the chapters that were supposed to be posted here. Unfortunately, the book will end quicker than expected. But expect lots of updates in the next 4 days!

Once the book ends, I'll be taking a break from Wattpad. I'll still post on my wall and read comments from time to time, but I won't be posting any new stories for a while. But dw, I promise I'll return.

Thank you for understanding


When I told Freddie and Zev about my unexpected role as one of the  main male lead, and my unfortunate missed opportunity to play a wonderful bush, they rejoiced with glee.

"But the bush..." I remembered trying to tell them, but they were too busy jumping up and down and cheering with glee.

"Did you hear that? Our Conan is going to be the main lead!" Freddie exclaimed.

"One of the main leads," I tried to clarify.

"The main lead!" Zev cried, throwing his hands in the air. "Our baby is the MAIN lead"

My friends seemed more excited by the news than I was. They were over the moon. They stopped every passerby, all them people we didn't know, and told them I got the role as Clark. The strangers, who had no context whatsoever, gave them The Look. But Freddie and Zev were too happy to notice. I felt so lucky.

I sometimes felt as if Freddie and Zev were my parents. Of course, Freddie had a boyfriend and Zev had a girlfriend, and neither of them gave birth to me, but it still felt like there were my proud fathers. The thought of us being a nice, happy family made my heart feel warm and cozy.

They insisted that we celebrate the good news. I agreed because I'd take any reason to spend more time with them. Zev told us that he'd come over and make us one of his mother's famous dishes. Considering how great of a cook he was, we knew we were out for a treat. Zev's mother was a cook, so Zev learnt how to make delicious dishes since he was young. He said he'd like to make his own cook book in the future, and said he'd gift us one if he ever published it.

We waited until the weekend to celebrate. The three of us went to the groceries and bought the ingredients. Zev wanted to buy the most expensive products, but Freddie reminded him that we were on a college student budget. Zev argued and said I deserve only but the best products. Freddie agreed, but said I could have the best products that we could actually afford. I took pictures of them as they argued, for memories, but also because I wanted to show Parker everything that we did since he wasn't here with us. I wondered what he was doing. Did he already have dinner?

They couldn't agree on which products buy and both urned towards me to for an answer. I smiled at them and told them whatever made them happy made me happy, which probably didn't help their case.

They continued to quarrel like an old married couple, but I was still smiling. Going to the groceries altogether, it felt like we were family. Although, I wish Parker was with us.

We decided to buy the affordable products but Freddie let me pick out the desserts. When we arrived at my place, I received a message. My heart raced, thinking it was Parker, but felt disappointed when I saw it was Ryan.

Ryan and I had exchanged numbers after we were announced as Romeo and Clark. It was the first time he had texted me a message.

Ryan: Hi, Conan. It's me, Ryan. I'm really excited to be able to work with you. What an unexpected turn of events, right? You were amazing. You said you weren't good with your words, but I don't believe it. I'm happy we'll get to see each other more. Are you free this Saturday? Maybe we can rehearse together if you aren't doing anything.

"Ohlala, looks like someone has a date," Zev chirped, looking over my shoulder and peeking at my phone.

"Oh, no, Ryan just wants to rehearse together," I said, showing him the text. Freddie tilted his head to read it as well.

"Definitely a date," Freddie confirmed.

Zev suddenly got on his knees, extending his hand to offer Freddie the bundle of brocoli he was holding.

"Romeo, oh Romeo, will you take my token of love and ride away into the sunset with me?"

Freddie clutched his heart and let out a dramatic gasp. "Oh Clark, I thought you'd never ask!"

He took the brocoli and threw it over his shoulder, and they both pretended to smooch in a very exaggerated way. I felt heat rise up my neck.

"Guys," I murmured, and they burst into laughter.

"We're kidding, we're kidding," Zev winked. "Or are we?"

"Do any of you know if Parker is coming?" I asked hopefully. "I sent him a message but he hasn't replied."

Freddie and Zev glanced at each other, and their smile slowly faded.

"Sorry, he hasn't answered my text either," Zev said.

"Oh, it's okay! Parker must be busy," I said, trying to smile. "He has homework and a girlfriend to take care of."

"I heard he broke up with Brianna. His relationships never last very long," Freddie said.

"Oh, I see. I hope Parker and Brianna are okay," I murmured.

Freddie and Zev frowned, and the look of pity in their eyes made me squirm. I felt a stinging pain in my chest.

"I'll try sending him another message just in case. Maybe he'll get hungry and join us," I quickly said.

They nodded, but didn't say anything. I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I crouched down and opened my phone, reading the messages I had sent Parker these past few days.

Me: Hello, Parker! How are you?(December 2)

Me: Hello, Parker! I have some good news I'd like to share with you. Can we see each other? (December 3)

Me: Hello, Parker. You must be busy. I'm sorry to bother you so much. I just wanted you to know that I got the second lead role in the school's play. I'm really nervous about it, but also excited. Anyway, I hope you are doing well. Please take care of yourself and make sure to wear lots of clothes. It's getting cold. (December 4)

Me: Hello, Parker... I hope you're well. Freddie, Zev, and I are having dinner together at my house tonight. Would you like to join us? I hope you can. Please let me know. (Today 8:08 a.m)

Me: Hello, Parker. We're at the groceries! Would you like us to get you something? (Today 6:01 p.m)

Me: Hello, Parker! Freddie let me chose the dessert. I chose apple pie because I know how much you love apples. I'll make sure to save you a slice. (Today: 6:15 p.m)

Parker hadn't answered any of my messages. I couldn't find myself to send him another one since I had already sent so many. Was I annoying him? I took in a shaky breath and stood back up, joining Freddie and Zev in the kitchen.

We made dinner and ate, laughing and talking about everything and anything; but something felt missing.

After our party, Freddie and Zev went home. I cleaned up the table and put a filter over the slice of apple pie. I put it in the fridge.

The garbage bag was full so I took it out of the bin and headed downstairs to throw it out. I recycled the plastic and threw the black garbage bag into the trash. I was about to head back in until I saw someone walk out of the building towards the parking lot.

My eyes brightened.

It was Parker.


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