Chapter 13: Chucky's boyfriend

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A/N: 29. 11.2020

Hey loves! I've decided to make an update schedule for Conan The Dandelion.

Wattpad update schedule: Saturday (once a week)

Patreon schedule: 2/3 updates a week

Patreon is currently at chapter 17. If you would like access to early chapters in December for only 4$/month, the link is in my bio. Enjoy


It surprised Freddie to see Parker when we arrived at the mall. I explained everything and apologized to Freddie, but he shook his head, saying that he knew how persuasive Parker could be. Parker shrugged and asked, "So who's the unlucky man?"

Freddie didn't tell us his boyfriend's name or occupation, but he told us they had met at a gay bar, and "hit it off right away" as Freddie said. They've been dating for over two months now, and Freddie wanted to buy him something special to celebrate their third month together. I thought it was adorable, but Parker made a face of disgust and called him a "sentimental fool." We both thought Parker would make fun of Freddie - which he did - but he also listened to what Freddie said and took the gift shopping seriously.

We went to a perfume shop, and Parker helped Freddie pick out a cologne.

"Here, smell this. It's probably the best one they have," Parker said, spraying cologne onto a small piece of paper and waving it under Freddie's nose. Freddie's button nose wrinkled.

"It smells like you," he grimaced.

"Because it's the one I use," Parker laughed, which explained what he said prior.

"No offense, but I don't want to date someone who smells like you."

"None taken, Chucky. You're not my type either." Parker turned towards me. "Dandelion, c'mere."

I did, and Parker twirled his finger in a circular motion.

"Spin for me," he said. I waddled in place like a penguin while turning around, and Parker sprayed the cologne over me. He leaned in and sniffed the air.

"Yup. Smell's just like me," he nodded in satisfaction, putting the tester back onto the shelf. "You are now officially Parker property."

"You can't claim Conan as yours," Freddie frowned.

"Excuse you, he's my friend date. You're the one who's butting in." His eyes shifted towards me and he winked. "Ain't that right, dandelion?"

He and Freddie continued to test the different scents, but the smell was so strong that my nose hurt. I told them I'd wait for them outside. I crouched down and rested my chin on my knees. My clothes smelled like Parker, and I liked that I did. My phone rang. It was Dr. George Philip.

"Hello, Dr. George Philip. How are you?" I said.

"I'm doing great, thank you. I hope you're doing well, Conan."

"Yes, I am. I'm shopping with my friends."

"Shopping? With friends?"

I wondered if the connection was bad.

"Yes, doctor, shopping with friends," I repeated.

"That's fantastic! I'm glad you're going out and meeting new people. Good for you, Conan, I'm so proud."

I could hear him scribbling notes.

"Have you been taking your meds?" He asked, returning to his usual routine of questions.

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now