Chapter 15: Sleepover

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A/N: 10.12.2020

Decided to post a few days early because why not~ Will also be posting chapter 20 on Patreon soon hehe

What do you guys want for Christmas? Do you guys have a wish list? 🥰


Freddie and I were chatting on the front steps to our apartment building. He was telling me stories about him and his boyfriend, but as hard as I tried to listen, I couldn't focus. My mind kept drifting to Parker, wondering what he was doing and how he was, and if we were still friends.

"So then kangaroo punched me in the face."

"Oh, how wonderful."

Freddie frowned, waving his hand in front of my face. "Conan, you're spacing out."

"I'm sorry, I have a lot in my mind," I murmured. Freddie nibbled his lip, studying my face.


I nodded. "Parker."

"It's been two weeks. You two still aren't talking?"

I shook my head, wanting to cry. "I'm a terrible friend."

"Hey, don't say that. You out of all people shouldn't be saying that. You're an amazing friend," he argued. "Friendships have their ups and downs, that's all. Do you want to talk about what happened?"

I told Freddie how I bumped into Parker at his father's clinic, and how he was upset that I didn't tell him about my problems. Well, I did tell him, just not how serious they were.

"Parker can be like that sometimes," Freddie sighed. "He's someone who feels intensely. He's probably more worried than upset."

"The books never said that giving medical background was required to make friends."

"Which books?"

"The books that help me understand human behavior. When I was young, doctors told me I was special, which I think was their nice way of saying I was different. They said I would have a hard time socializing and understanding other people. So I read books to help me. They've helped me so far, but not with Parker."

"Every human is unique, Conan. Books give us ideas and concepts, there are always exceptions in reality, and Parker seems to be one of them. Humans aren't objects you put in boxes. You have to learn to adapt to each individual yourself."

"I don't know how to do that."

"Communication," Freddie smiled gently.

I stared at my fingers and pressed them together.

"I know it isn't easy talking about your problems, but if I have to be completely honest with you, I'm worried about you too. I know you struggle, Conan. I don't know what you struggle with, but I know you do."

Silence hung over our shoulders, and I took a moment to gather my thoughts and rearrange them into constructive sentences to communicate my thoughts with Freddie.

"I'd like to tell you and Parker about my problems one day. I can't right now, but when I'm ready, I promise to tell you," I murmured, which was the best answer I could give him. Freddie reached out and put his hand over mine. A shiver crawled down my spine, but I didn't feel sick enough to pull away. Or rather, I fought back the urge to pull away.

"Take your time, we'll wait as long as you need," he said, giving me a gentle squeeze, reminding me that I could trust him. "Parker too, he'll wait."

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now