Chapter 5

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The next morning... (I don't even know but I have many plenty skipping XD)

At 7:00AM,At Karasuno dorm.

Someone knocking on the door,Of Crouse,They all sleep but..Someone is waking Cuz's..He's already know.

It's Shoyou Hinata,He's the only one wake cuz's-

Kaiyō Nomika waking up early.

Hinata get up from the bed,He walking toward quietly to door.

He don't want waking up the others.

He slice the door and saw Kaiyō standing in front of him.

Kaiyō:Hey Sho-Chan,Do you want walk with me?

Said Kaiyō with childish smile.

Hinata smile like innocent and nodding,Kaiyō grab Hinata hand gentle and close the door for Hinata.

Kaiyō:Let's go.

Then They both walk.

Kaiyō:So..How's your day far?

Said Kaiyō tried to not awkward silence.

Hinata:It's good,I've been thinking I should tell my team that I can be position anything.

Then Hinata look at Kaiyō.

Hinata:How about you?

Kaiyō:Oh,It's been amazing but kinda miss food Malaysia.

Hinata:Huh?,What food you miss?

Kaiyō:Nasi lemak!

Said Kaiyō with excited.

Kaiyō:I love it so much that I can't live on!

Hinata:Japan didn't have Nasi lemak right?


Said Kaiyō with sad face.

Kaiyō:I don't even know how to cook~.

Hinata:I can make one!

Said Hinata excited.


Hinata nodding.


Then She grab Hinata hand to go kitchen.

Kaiyō:Let's go made it!

While They go to kitchen,Someone was spying on them.

It's was Kurūsouru,Muhammad Afiq.

Afiq smile as He's smile sweetly.

Afiq:I'm glad Shoyou remember how to made it.

Then He walk away,He actually bit excited that He want to eat Nasi lemak Cuz's He's miss his beautiful country.

(Actually,Malaysia have a beautiful city!

Look at this!

Look at this!

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