Chapter 9

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Hinata:Hey guys!!!

Hinata greetings Aone,Futakuchi,Sakusa and Terushima.

Terushima:Hey Hinata!

Terushima about to go hug Hinata but Sakusa protect him.

Sakusa:Stay away,You too dirty.


Sakusa and Terushima arguing while Aone bow at Hinata,Hinata as well doing it.

Hinata:How are you?

Hinata smile at Aone and Futakuchi.

Futakuchi:We both just fine,Beside I heard that you helping other school from selling the school.

Hinata:Yes,If that's school is their home and That's mean Kurūsouru is my home too!

Aone having determined that He want to help Kurūsouru too.

Hinata:Oh?,You want help my Kurūsouru team?!

Said Hinata with shock and happy face,Aone nod.

Hinata:Thank you Aone-San!,I will tell my team right away!!

Hinata running toward to Kurūsouru teammate and told everything.

Aone hold gentle on his chest.

Futakuchi:Sorry interrupt but..Hinata is mine.

Aone glare at him,Futakuchi glare back at him.

Oh no..This is long day. :/



Afiq clap his hand.

(Wait!,Hold on!

You must thinking how Muhammad Afiq looks like???

Here's the picture!!

Here's the picture!!

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His coach clothes.

His coach clothes

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That's all uwu)

That's make everyone attention to Afiq.

Afiq:I was thinking you all should have game!

Said Afiq with smile.

Nishinoya:What game?~

Tanaka:Yeah,What game?~

Suga:You two!

Suga hit Nishinoya and Tanaka head.

Afiq:The game is about Quiz.

That's make everyone fall anime.

Kaiyō:That is worst game...

Afiq smirk.


Sumōta look at Afiq.

Afiq:Look's like everyone disagree,You can take Shoyo to festival!

Everyone eyes wided.

Kaiyō:On second thought,That is good game!

Kuroo:Let's play!

Everyone have energy to do it but—-

Afiq:I'm cancelling this game already.


Suga:B-But Coach Afiq!

Afiq look at Suga.

Suga:Hinata will get kidnap easily!,Who's going to protect him?!—-

Afiq:Sumōta will protect Shoyo Cuz's I knew Sumōta is the father.

Sumōta:Coach Afiq!,Not you too!—-

Hinata:Don't worry Suga,Sumōta taking like father to Kurūsouru team!

Sumōta:A-Am I?

Hinata:Yeah,How you not realize that you being father?

Hinata titling his head.

Hinata:You alwasy take care of our teammate!

Hinata smile at Sumōta and He feel melt.

Sumōta:Aw..I get it why they calling me like that..

Sumōta smile.

Sumōta:But I don't like the way when calling me a father.

Hinata giggle.

Hinata:Sound like you can't over it!

Sumōta:I am..

Sumōta pout.

While that,Suga and Daichi dust away.

Sumōta is prefect father everyone want it,Daichi feel jealous.

Daichi:It's it me or Tensai tried to me jealous?

Sumōta DOESN'T knew that He make Karasuno jealous.

Iru:Let them~ be..I~ want t~o see Ten~sai and Sho~yo that th~ey being who~lesom~e...

Iro pat his twin brother behind.


Iro point at Miya twins.

Atsumu:Why yer point at us?

Iru:He th~ink you tw~o s~tupid..

Osamu:I'm not stupid,He is.

Atsumu:Shut yer trap!!!


Afiq grab their attention,Once again.

Afiq:You all do your practice.

Then Afiq look at Hinata and Sumōta.

Afiq:And you two go to festival.

Then Afiq look back at them.

Afiq:But Please,Don't ruin their Hang out.

Afiq smile creepy,Everyone shiver.

Afiq:Go to change,Sumōta and Shoyo.

Sumōta:H~ai,Let's go Shoyo.


To be continue...
(Sorry It's short :<)

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