Chapter 6

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After eating...

Afiq:Alright,Me and other coach think you should have day off!


Taiyō:Yes Shoyou!,We all can have much fun!

Said Taiyō grab Hinata shoulder and that's make Hinata sweat drop.

"Yeah,Filling with shopping mall."

Said all Kurūsouru member including Manager except Haru.


Taiyō glare at them I mean..Her famous glare~.

Kurūsouru team stay quite then look away and tried avoid contact eyes on her.

Hinata:Uh..Talking 'Bout day off..

Then Hinata look at Afiq and other coach.

Hinata:If Karasuno and Kurūsouru have a day off,As well other school?


Then Afiq look at coach with creepy smile.


The old man sweat drop and the older man,He really want to jump rooftop.


Said Fukurodani coach,Yamiji.

'What's actually happen???' Thought everyone excluding Kaiyō,Hinata and Haru.



fiq:But why?

Said Afiq with confused.

Afiq:You should give them day off!

Said Afiq point at table really hard.

Afiq:They been working hard and They retired!

His voice literally can hear from my phone.

Washijō:They too young to tired.

Afiq:And you too old to live.

That's hit Washijō on heart,Including Nekomata,Irihata,Yamiji and Rasa.

Ukai:That's bit savage..

Afiq:I don't care It's it or not.

Then Afiq stand up.

Afiq:If you not give them day off,I will tell my student player not going easy on you all.

Rasa:It's that even affect us?—-

Ukai show them a video.

Ukai:Just look at it..

The video about that boy got broke bone by Kaiyō Nomika.

The video about that Kurūsouru not going easy on other team Cuz's They got tease by other team.

And a lot more dangerous.

Then All coach imagine happen to their student player.

Ukai:You guys really want that happen?

Rasa:W-Well,They look don't want hurt people anymore...

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