Chapter 11

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After festival,Hinata and Sumōta much have fun at it but still..Sumōta won't get over it that Tsuiwaka bretayal The school,The team including him...


Sumōta look at Hinata with sad face but still smiling.

Hinata:You sure you want to tell them?

Sumōta sigh and nodding,He knew He have to do it.
Hinata gladly to smile.

Hinata:Alright,I help you!

Hinata bright smile,Now..They both at GYM door.

Sumōta open the door quietly.

Kenma:Shouyou,You back.

Kenma smile,As well Hinata.

Hinata:Coach Afiq,Tensai-San want to tell you something.

Hinata look at Afiq.

Afiq:Alright uh..What is it,Sumōta?

Sumōta:I will tell you about Tsuiwaka weakness.

Afiq blink his eyes,Including Kurūsouru team.


Sumōta:I know..I'm not suppose to But..This is important.

Kaiyō:But Sumōta-San.

Sumōta look at Kaiyō.

Kaiyō:You always keep secret for him but..Why you want reveal his weakness?

Sumōta:Why not?

Sumōta smile evilly.

Sumōta:He's should know that He can't bretayal..

Sumōta look back at his coach.

Sumōta:Here's his weakness,Tsuiwaka will lose his mind If we keep trick him.

Afiq:So That's his weakness?

Then Afiq smirk.

Afiq:Everyone,Let's start your practice trick!

Kurūsouru cheer up,When conversation is done..Hinata walking toward to Tsukishima.


That Salty dino look at him.

Hinata:When I make my new trick..I will teach you how.

Hinata smile that's make Tsukishima goes red.


While that,There's alot of people feel jealous.

To be continue...

Sorry if that's short qwq.

But this book will end soon :3.

Like seriously,It is.

So..After book will end,What should I publish?

My sister idea or my idea?

Comments on the bellow :D

Please don't be silent reader 🥺

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