Chapter 7

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This request by @Yuiopuwuhi.

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Hinata been standing there while looking at his harem fighting over him who want to go with Hinata.

Hinata saw Kita and Ushijima who didn't fight.

Hinata walking toward to them.

Hinata:Kita-San and Ushijima-San.

They both look at Hinata.

Hinata: Can we walk away from them?

Said Hinata with emmbrasing voice.

Ushijima:Sure,Shoyou Hinata.

Kita:I don't mind at all.

Then Three of them walk away from them,Far away from them.

Then They notice Hinata is gone.


Kuroo:Chibi-Chan is gone!!!



Hinata:Look at this!

Hinata point at an owl who's look like Bokuto.

Hinata point at an owl who's look like Bokuto

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Said Hinata with sweetness voice.

Hinata:What did I found!—-

Kita:Look at this hinata.

Said Kita show who's look like him.

Said Kita show who's look like him

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Said Hinata face like 🥺.

Hinata:You look so fluffy!~

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