chapter 5: moon shins bright tonight

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blanca's pov

'Switch your partners please!'

The next thing I knew, Draco approached me on his broomstick.

'First time on a broomstick?' He asked.


'I realised. The way you were throwing these Bludgers, ughhh... made me sick'

'So you were watching me?' I frowned.

He widened his eyes. It was obvious he regretted saying that, but quickly turned back to his usual mocking smile.

'Yeah, so that I could make sure you're hopeless,' he stated, 'but I guess you still think you're doing great. If so, try to catch this!'

All of a sudden he took out a small ball out of nowhere. I didn't have time to look at it properly when...

'Professor!', cried Neville, 'I've lost my table tennis ball! I got it from profesor Burbage during Muggle Studies yesterday and I can't find it —'

Everything happened so fast.

Smiling mockingly, Malfoy swung and threw the little ball. It rose up in the air, but somehow, as though in slow motion, I could still see it, rising up in the air and then starting to fall. I leant forward, racing the ball. Getting nearer and nearer, wind whistling in my ears, all of sudden a brick wall appeared. A moment longer... just a bit...and...

I felt something in my fist. Just in time to pull up the broom.

Next thing I knew, everyone started cheering and clapping. I looked down to see Neville, awestruck, standing next to Professor Hooch who had an expression of shock and amazement on her face as well. I saw Draco on his broom, rather afar, shocked, but impressed, and Blaise, cheering, next to him. I grinned as my friends reached me on their broomsticks as soon as I landed. Hermione squeezed me into a hug.

'That was bloody hell fantastic!' cried Ron.

'You're sure it was your first time on a broomstick, Blanca?' Harry approached me.

'Unbelievable, unbelievable,' Mrs Hooch kept mumbling. I gave Neville his ball back.

'I've never flown before,' I admitted to Harry. He looked at professor Hooch yet she was already looking at him. I noticed how everyone was waiting for her to say something. She took a deep breath and I couldn't be happier when I heard her words:

'Miss Davis, how would you like to join Gryffindor Quidditch team?'


'Try to catch this, then!'

'I've lost my table tenis ball...'

'Blanca, watch out!'

'That was fantastic!'


Neville's sobbing, people cheering, wind whistling...

'Blanca? Are you there?'


'Are you there? I've asked you what should I add to powdered root of asphodel to make Draught of Living Death, but you're not answering.'

His voice snapped me out of my thoughts that were circling around events of the previous day.

'I'm sorry, what?'

'Uhh... nothing.'

I looked up to see Draco, glancing at me already.

'Shoot, I'm so sorry, I should have paid attention to what you were—'

'Forget it. Let's call it a day. It's nearly midnight already.'

I looked at him more attentively. His eyes, grey as usual, seemed very tired.

'Draco, I'm really sorry,...'

He immidiately moved his gaze towards me. Dancing sparks appeared in his eyes.

'You called me by my first name for the first time,' he grinned. I gave him a slight smile.

'Well, I think you've also called me Blanca, and not 'that stupid Davis','

'You've got a point... dumbass,'

I rolled my eyes, lettting a tiny smile appear on my face. We both grabbed our belongings and were about to leave the astronomy tower.

I looked at the moon. It was shining very bright.


He turned around. 'Hmm?'

Now or never. I decided to give it a shot.

'Why... why do you hate me so much?'

He looked at me, surprised. I kept my eyes on his.

'I— I don't... hate you,' he whispered. Everything happened so fast I could also say it didn't happen at all.

I was standing there, paralyzed, watching him coming closer. I tried to walk away but I simply couldn't, unable to move even a little bit, not understanding what was happening. He was now only inches away, so close I could feel  his breath on my neck.

My heart was just pounding in my chest. All kinds of thoughts were swirling in my head, but I couldn't think of anything proper, not knowing what to expect.

And then he just looked at me, with these grey,... no. Silver eyes. And for the first time since I've ever laid eyes on his that intrigued me so badly, I saw something more.

I saw sadness.


mysterious isn't it? :)


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