Chapter Four: Awkward Crush

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Then Aura woke up.

As usual, Haylio woke up late. She rushed to get her robe and do her hair, as she only had five minutes.

"Expected. You woke up late." Aura chuckled.

"Shut it. But what's going between you and Harry? You guys barely talk anymore." Haylio whispered to Aura as she ate breakfast.

"We're just really awkward around each other. What do I do?" Aura asked glancing at Harry every once in awhile.

"Try to make small talk, or make a joke he'll get." Haylio answered. Aura awkwardly walked up to the Gryffindor table and sat down.

"H-h-hello Aura." Harry stuttered, not knowing what to do.

"Hi." She answered.Hermione tapped Aura's shoulder.

"Do small talk!" Hermione said.

"I'm trying." Aura replied.

"About us, uh, what do we do?" Harry asked Aura confused on their relationship.

"Are we friends..?" He added.Aura froze. She didn't know what to say, she was wondering the same exact thing.

"I guess— best friends?" Aura blurted out. Harry quickly turned around .

"Yes!" he whispered.  Aura walked away and went to Haylio.

"It's official. We're really best friends!" She shrieked.Haylio and Aura both danced in excitement.

"Why are you two dancing?" Draco asked, walking up to them.

"Should I tell him?" Aura whispered.

"Yes!" Haylio replied.

"Uhm, Harry and I are sort of..." Aura hesitaed.

"Sort of what?" Draco asked in confusion.

"...Friends. Best friends." Aura added, slightly scared for her life.

"That's IT. I'm going to have a talk with Potter." Draco said angrily and headed towards the Gryffindor table.

"If you do that I'm telling Hermione you stared at her." Haylio laughed and made Draco stop.

"Ugh, father will hear about this." Draco muttered.

"Well what about you and Ron?" Aura asked Haylio.

"I don't know yet, hopefully he likes me." Haylio responded.

"Well go on then, talk with Ron!" Aura convinced. Haylio headed to the Gryffindor table, and sat next to Ron.

"Just going to ask this." Haylio said as she sat next to ron looking up and down at Ron. "Do you like me?" She asked Ron. Ron hesitated to say his answer.

"Uh, uh, one moment." Ron said and turned back to Hermione.

"Just say yes!" Hermione told him.

"Yes, I do, your broomstick racing is appealing." Ron said, feeling embarassed that he said that.Haylio laughed, then Ron laughed.

After that Haylio went back to the Slytherin table. "Quidditch practice is today, wanna come?" She asked Aura.

"Duh." She said.

"I'll invite Harry, Ron, and Hermione." She added.Aura went to Harry and tapped his shoulder.

"Wanna come with us to Haylio's practice?" She asked them.

"Sure." Harry and Ron said at the same time.

"Yep." Hermione answered.They all headed to the Quidditch field, and Haylio finally met her teammates.

DISCONTINUED! The Others in Malfoy Manor: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now