Chapter Three: The First Petrified

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"Congrats." The student that she tied with in the race said.

"Thank you." Haylio replied.

"Ginny, Ginny Weasley." She said to her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Haylio." Haylio told her.

"You're quite the flier." She complimented.

"Thanks, so are you." Ginny responded.

Ginny walked away, and Haylio was in happiness. After Quidditch Tryouts, was the class Potions.

"Oh no, the class I dread and the Professor I'm scared of. Snape and Potions." Haylio said, not wanting to go to class.

"You'll be fine." Aura told her.

"Hey, I heard you caught the Snitch at Tryouts." Draco called to Haylio.

"Yeah." She said back.

"How'd you do it?" He asked.

"Tricked the little thing." She told him.

"Anyways, we're heading to Potions class, bye." Aura waved to him.

"Blimey, we're late. Snape is gonna kill us." Haylio worried.

"You're... late." Professor Snape told them, pausing between both words. "Since you're late... what is one of the cores..... in a wand? And I'm asking Haylio.... not Aura." Snape said.

"Dragon heartstring, Professor." She replied.

"Good, sit down in your seats." He said. "We're not doing any potions today... we're learning about wands."

Snape droned on for an hour on wands.

Slowly, the weeks went by and eventually, it was the night of Halloween.

The two sisters went to Visit Hagrid with the golden trio but found all his roosters gone.

"Hagrid? Do you know what's happened to the roosters?" Harry asked.

"Don' know. Just went out for a day an' they were strangled when I came back!" Hagrid responded.

"Weird." Aura said.

"Very weird. Why would someone- or something kill random roosters?" Haylio said.

"Must've been Malfoy." Hagrid said. Aura looked at him, disappointed. "I mean-"

Aura's eagle owl swooped through the window and handed her a letter containing a message.

"I wonder why they'd call us back at this time." Aura said.

"We should go anyways." Harry said.

They all waved bye and left Hagrid's hut, almost sprinting back to the castle after they were out of eyesight.

"What could've happened?" Ron asked.

"Something bad. Really bad. They wouldn't put 'URGENT' at the top of the message if it wasn't bad." Aura said.

They all went up the stairs, two at a time, finally crossing the corner they were supposed to go to.

Everyone was there. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Chanel, Donna, Everyone. Turns out, Ms. Norris was petrified. And hung from a wall.

Filch ran through the five on one side and looked at the wall with his cat.

"It's one of you. You did this." He growled at the students.

On the wall, there was also writing of blood. "The Chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware."

"What's the heir? The heir of slytherin?" Haylio asked.

DISCONTINUED! The Others in Malfoy Manor: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now