The Gods Are What

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"So you can take a sample of his DNA and figure out who he is?" Cleo asked. "I don't think that's how it works."

"There is this new thing that was given away on YouTube. It can extract DNA from anything. And it is very quick. I brought it so let me go find the cave and I'll be right back."

After he leaves we start talking about Percy.

"Maybe he is just misunderstood," Bella said.

"Maybe he's a serial killer," I said.

"Rikki, what is wrong with you?" Emma said.

"What it's just a suggestion," I said.

Just then 2 people come to the island, a middle aged guy and a very pregnant woman.

"Chloe, Rikki, Emma, and Bella, right?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, can we help you?" Cleo asked.

Then the woman threw water on us, giving us a count down of 10 seconds to get to the water.

Sadly, we didn't make it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Just stay put a little longer. He'll be here soon." I said.

Then Lewis came out of the forest of leaves.

"So I went back for a sample and— WHAT THE HECK!" He said. "What are you doing to them?"

"You need to leave now. We don't want to hurt you." The man said.

"But you sure want to hurt them. What are you going to do with them?" He shouts.

"Mom, what in Hades are you doing?" I hear a voice say.

"Sally what's going on?" said another.

Percy and Annabeth emerged from the rocks.

"She's your mom, Percy? What the heck does your mom want with my friends?" Lewis said.

"That's what I hope I get answered, Lewis," he said. "Mom, what are you doing with those girls."

"Your father wanted them. Said they belong with them."

Percy's face fell open. Completely shocked. Well, Lewis said, "What does your father want with my friends? Why do they belong to him?"

Just then a giant wave comes crashing down, in it was a man, in a tropical shirt, khaki shorts, and a bucket hat.

"Sally, you got them. Good." He said.

"Dad, what's going on?" Percy said.

"Taking them to Atlantis, where they belong." The bucket hat man said.

"Atlantis is real?" I said. 

"Rikki, is that the most relevant question right now?" Lewis asked.

"Fine. Here's a better one. Who the hell are you?"

"Poseidon, the god of the sea. King of Atlantis. I'm here to take you to your new home." He said so calmly.

"Dad, you got to be kidding me," Percy said.

"Yeah, and I'm Aphrodite," I said very jokingly.

"And I'm Athena," Emma said.

"And I'm Hera." Chimed in Bella.

We all stare at Cleo.

"What, oh- And I'm Artemis." She said regretfully

"You did not just say that," Percy said.

"Idiots." Annabeth added, "Absolute Idiots."

"What else are we going to say, yeah the gods aren't real," Emma said.

"What is this, a reality tv show? One with special effects." Cleo said.

"Enough of the jokes, we are wasting time. I'll need to get them to Atlantis before the nightfall." "Poseidon," said. "Guards!"

Then like 12 fish with legs come out of the water, 3 of them grabbing each of our tails, pulling us into the water.

Then the pulling stops. We look back and they were pulled back by the water. I look over at Cleo and she is just as surprised as the rest of us.

I turn around and see Percy with his hand out, looking like he is using all of his power to pull back to fish guards.

The guards fall into the water. As the do, I start trying to heat all of us trying to get try to help. In the meantime, Cleo is helping Percy hold back the guards. At one point they just gave up and swam away.

Meanwhile, Annabeth ran over to the woman and man, asking them different questions like, "Why did you do this Sally," and "What did he threaten you with."

Let's just say that wasn't making Poseidon happy.

"Percy, stop this this instant. They belong down in Atlantis not here. They aren't human." He said

"Lord Poseidon, they are humans," Annabeth said.

"But they aren't, they're more-"

"Percy and I aren't fully human. We're a half-god. Does that mean we belong up in Olympus?"

"Well no but-"

"Then they don't belong in Atlantis. They aren't going to be happy there because they don't belong there. They belong here on land. So what if they are mermaids."

"Ugh, just like your mother Annabeth, she'll be proud you're taking me out of this. Fine, they get to stay on land, and water," Poseidon said, "I have to go, Percy and Annabeth, I'll see you when we need you to save us-"

"Which I hope isn't ever again," Percy stated.

"Right. Sally lovely to see you congrats on the child. I free you from the deal. She stays alive."

"It's a girl?!" Sally said.

"Thought you knew, whatever, bye." And he left.

"So will any of you like to explain everything that just happened?" I asked.

Annabeth and Percy smile at each other and Percy ask, "How much do you know about Greek Mythology?

We are nearing the end of this book. I'm pretty scared, but this means more projects.

Hope this was a fun chapter to read.

Have fun


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