Finale Part

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After that day, we learned the gods were real. Like, all of them.

Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian etc.

And they had child called Demi-gods like Percy and Annabeth.

Turns out Annabeth was a daughter of Athena.

We told them the truth, how we were the ones spying on him. All because of his clothing. It's kinda funny.

We called a truce and became friends.

The next week was amazing.

But sadly, al good things must come to an end as Sunday the 23, Percy left.

Then 11 days later I left.

It felt so weird being home. Home where I turned, home where my friends are, but home is were I am.


"At long last, the couch," I say as I flip on to it.

"And homework!" Mom said excitingly.

"Mother, could you let me have this one thing without homework?" I ask in a very teenage voice.
(Like an MOM WHY kind voice, if you know you know)

"Your grades are important you know," she said.

And in that moment, I knew what I wanted to be. I didn't shout it or anything, I kept it to my self. Heck, I didn't tell anyone until college graduation.

I am going to be a marine biologist.

This was a short and sweet ending to a nice series.

I know this wasn't what everyone was thinking but this ended was amazing.

Or is this the end.


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