𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

898 33 34

nobody's pov.

derek and vallyk were matching for halloween, they've been planning it for a while now.

they chose to be cats, even though a lot of people are probably going to be a cat but they don't care because they know their better.

the smaller boy came out of the bathroom looking at mike. "bubby how do i look?" he asked, mike licked his lips.

"spin for me.." he said as he got up going behind him, derek did as he was told doing a 360 for mike. "damn baby." he said smacking the boys ass.

"s-stopp.." the boy whined out as his cheeks flushed red, mike chuckled leaving small kisses on his neck. "baby you look so good right now." he said as his hand traveled down to the smallers waist gripping it.

"i would eat the fuck outta you right now, but we gotta go." he said before leaving one last kiss on the boys neck, pulling away smirking.

"your always teasing me.." the smaller said whining out rolling his eyes. mike just chuckled as he smacked his ass once again.

mike, kobe, vallyk and derek were in the car going to a costume party mattia through, mike's hand was on the smallers thigh close to his member. he gripped it from time to time which would make derek try to move his hand.

"stopp.." he whined out, but all mike did was smirk.

-time skip

they just arrived to mattia's party, all of them got out the car going inside of the house.

the scent of weed and liquor spread trough their nose as they walked in, mike was used to it but the others weren't.

the smaller boy decided to stay by mike the whole time because he didn't want him to start his habits again.

they both were sitting on the couch, fingers intertwined and derek's head was on mike's shoulder.

the older boy just talked to people while derek just sat their, "derek come w/ meee i have to tell you something." vallyk said as he pulled the boys arm, pulling him off the couch.

"ok finee!" he said as he finally got up, "so you jus gon leave me like that?" mike said as he put his hand over his heart, "i'll be back bubby." and with that the smaller boy left with vallyk.

he took the smaller boy to a hallway, "did you see this yet?!" he pulled up a video off of tiktok room of him and kobe.

"i fucking knew it dude." derek said laughing at the fluffy haired boy.


liked by katiepego and 385, 940 others

𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 looks like @kbreeezo and @vallykpena got caught kissing in the mall. #baeatch 👀☕

view all 7,359 comments !

i- prd 😜

i've been waitin fa dis one, turn it up!

malejandro+merek+kallyk 😭

dats all mines

1,346 replies !

^ energy 😏

say wat yo name is

they so cute together🥰


ladies and gentlemen.. we caught em 🙄

the way kobe looks at him.


not yall jus realizin


"go get your manss!" derek said, vallyk looked at him blushing slightly.

he just walked away looking for the kobe, and derek doing the same for mike.

the smaller boy went outside going to the back looking for the older boy, mike was sitting on a chair leaned back clearly high.

his eyes hung low, they were red, his voice was deeper, and he was 10x freakier.

derek felt like he couldn't contain himself when mike was high, it jus made him 10x hotter,even though he didn't like him doing it.

mike grabbed the boys waist tightly pulling him closer, "you look so fuckin good right now, i would fuck you so hard right now." mike said licking his lips looking the boy up and down.

he pulled the boy on his lap, sitting him on his already hard member. he started kissing on the boys neck, leaving wet kisses.

"bubby.." the smaller boy whined out, biting his lip.

mike's hands traveled down to the smallers ass gripping it in his hands.

"you wanna go to a to a room baby?" mike asked smirking, "yes daddy." he responded.

mike coated 2 of his fingers in spit, removing his squirt and panties. derek blushed eager to be touched, the older boy thrusted two fingers into him without a warning.

"ahh mikee." derek moaned biting his lip, mike made eye contact with him as he scissored the two fingers stretching him out. mike used his free hand to turn derek's head,"look at me bitch."

the smallers eyes rolled back as he quickly sped up, the small moans and whimpers left the smaller mouth repeatedly as his fingers brushed against his spot.

the smaller boy kept whining and moaning causing mike not be able to wait any longer.

mike got on the bed infront of the other, coating his dick in spit, he lines himself up, getting ready. but he waits.

"daddy, please," the smaller whines, beginning to squirm.

"beg for it slut." mike says in a low voice that sends shivers down the smallers spine.

"please daddy, i want you inside of me. i want you to destroy my guts. just please, do something."

mike smirked, finally pushing his member inside of him, groaning.

"f-fuck m-mike.." derek moaned, instantly, biting his lip.

the sharp hits mike would leave on his ass, turned him on more. even though they left red marks on his ass.

"that ain my name baby, i wanna hear you say it bitch." the older groans, grabbing derek by the neck and pushing him down into the bed.

"-mm d-daddy right there.." mike smirked as he pulled the boy up by his hair,"shit, so fucking tight baby." he said smacking the boys ass once again leaving another print.

derek's eyes rolled back as mike hit his spot over and over again, he grabbed the boys length stroking it in his hands, making him grip the sheets tightly.

"i-i have to cum.." derek said clenching around the other, making him groan. "make a mess for me."

the smaller boy came all on the sheets and on the mike's hand, he came soon after.

the older pulled put and laid next to him, knowing the smaller was going to say something. "you promise you wont do it anymore bubby?" he said sticking out his pinkie.

"i promise baby." he said pinkie promising the smaller boy.

"i love you bubby."

"i love you too baby."


sorry for makin yall wait, i had got my phone took LMAO 😜

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