𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

784 40 57

nobody's pov.

all the boys were hanging out at mattia's house, like usual.

"what couple fucks more out of all of us?" mattia asked, making everyone's heads turn to look at derek and mike.

"i- well no." derek said, which made everyone else laugh and derek just looked at them. "derek don't cap." roshaun stated.

"i'm not lying. its obv ale and mattia." derek said rolling his eyes, "mike did y'all fuck yesterday?" mike just laughed.

"we didn't." derek said crossing his arms, everyone laughed once again. "stand up and walk for us then." derek let out a loud groan before he stood up almost stumbling over.

"baby no-" he was interrupted. "shhh." he tried to take one step, but the feeling in his legs were hardly there. so he fell. "oww."

everyone started cracking up, except derek. he just sat back down crossing his arms, leaning against the wall. "bullies." he said.

"how bout all of yall stand up, i bet yall had sex too." with that ale, vallyk, alv, robert stopped laughing.

"hahaha, yeah not so funny now." derek said proving his point. "yall still fuck more than us tho." ale said. "shut up alee."

after that everybody said a few jokes and continued to ask questions, but of course kobe is the one who suggested smth.

"how about we see who can go the longest without sex, starting today. who ever hasnt fucked by sunday wins." he said making damn near all the tops break their necks.

mike: nigga what?

mattia: ah hell nah bruh

robert: you gotta be shittin me?

kobe: that was stupid as fuck tho.

kai: ah shit

"we're doing it. end of discussion. we're tired of not being able to walk, its embarrassing." derek stated, making all the tops groan.

"yup, what derek said!" ale said, all the bottoms agreeing with them.

"i guess we're doing this bullshit."

mike was on the game with the boys, yelling at the tv as usual.

while derek was scrolling through tiktok on his phone.

derek wanted attention but mike wouldn't give him any, because he was hooked onto the game.

"mike.." nothing.

"bubbaa!" nothing.

"mikee." nothing.

he repeatedly called his name over & over again, never getting an answer. "ughhh."

he decided to try one more time.

"mike.." he called, the blasian moved one of his headphones from off his ear.

"huh baby?" he said. never taking his eyes off of the tv. "i wanna cuddle." he whined out.

mike patted his thigh, derek got up & made his way to him. he sat on his lap, mike wrapped his arms around the boys waist continuing to play the game.

he laid his head on mike's shoulder.

i mean it wasn't exactly what he wanted, but it was better then nothing.

15 minutes later..

"mike lets put money on it." mattia said.

"on what nigga?" he said.

"if me and ale beat you and derek you gotta gimme 100, and if y'all win i'll give you 100." mattia said.

"bet." he said chuckling.

"ight ima get off cause i'm fucking sleepy."
mattia left the game, mike doing the same.

pov change ; mike.

after i put my controller on the desk, i looked at derek and he was slumped.

"damn, that was fast as hell." i said before, i got up holding him in my arms. i walked over to the bed laying him down, putting him under the cover.

"bubba can you come pleasee.." he said mumbling, i looked down at him. "yeah buh wait i gotta piss." he said. "okay," he mumbled as he slowly started going back to sleep. i went to the bathroom and pissed.

pov change ; nobody's.

he came out of the bathroom, and got in the bed. derek i felt him get in, so he turned around and cuddled up to him, laying his head on his chest. "took you long enough.." mike chuckled as he made circles on the boys back. "i was gone for like 15 secs." derek looked up at me.

"so.. i missed you, you don't miss me? i feel offended." he said giggling at the end of his sentence, making mike laugh with him. "your so fucking cute i swear. " derek blushed.

"i wanna kiss bubba.." mike pecked the boys lip a few times, derek smiled. "bubba i'm going back to sleep."
he said yawning.

"goodnight baby." he said kissing the smallers forehead, derek got comfortable. "goodnight bubba.." he said letting his eyes close.

mike then fell asleep a few minutes after him.


stop.. wth are you talkn about, get my pretty name out of your mouth 🙏🏼🙄

eh- i swear that song is fucking stuck in my head 👩🏽‍🦯

anyways- i got my pineapple fanta 👍🏼😀

i miss derek, vallyk, & mike together. like bruh-

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now