Chapter 5- Dinner!

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"Lizzie, its dinner time" my mum shouted from all the way downstairs.

I tried to stay upstairs for 5 minutes longer as I was watching Alfie's vlog " Lazy day on sofa".

When Alfie's vlog had 1:56 seconds left my mum called me downstairs again for dinner. Unfortunately I had to go this time. There was no backing out.

As I slowly travelled my way downstairs I could smell the scrumptious spaghetti. As I got further towards the kitchen my mouth watered even more and the bad singing from my mum got even worse!

Halfway through my dinner I forgot all about this morning. I couldn't remember anything. That is... Till my mum brings up the subject again.

" what was that picture on Facebook that I saw? You looked ridiculous!" My mum curiously asked.

I ignored the question and tried to change the subject.

"Well, Mum this dinner is lovely!"

"It really is. My special secret ingredient was added to this!"

I panicked even more because I thought my mum was going to answer back. I quickly ate my dinner and ran upstairs.

After that I didn't see my mum till I went to sleep. I was safe in my room!

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