Chapter 10- The Pointless Book!

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I walked to school the next day thinking about the pizza call. I walked down the alley way again so no one would see me. Nobody was there. Not even Bob!

When I got to school everybody was still making fun of me. What a surprise! Even Laura was. It seemed like the only person who helped me was Bob. He was the only person who cared about me.

I made my way to my first lesson, English with Mrs Slug. I call her Mrs Sugg, although no one can be married to Joe except me. So in the end I think its a grown up me.

When I got in to lesson, I brung out my pencil case; Zoella's make-up bag however I use it for a pencil case.

"Hello girls, today we are going to read "The Pointless Book". After we will be doing a little speaking and listening assessment saying our favourite book,In groups of 3. But you don't need to know that yet."

I scream in excitement as Mrs Sugg says the Pointless Book.

"Laura do you want to give out the books?"Mrs slug politely asked her.

As Laura gave out the books I got even more excited. I started to jump in my seat. Laura put the book on my desk and sat down right next to me. I couldn't believe we were going to study The Pointless Book! I turned the book over and there I saw Alfie. It was real!

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