Chapter 30

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As expected, chaos ensues as soon as both trucks come to a screeching halt. Jorge immediately takes to punching one of the older people I don't know the name of.

Brenda flashes a quick glance at me before running off to assure Jorge.

Thomas speaks up from the huddle of Group A surrounded by Lawrence's men. "Who are you? What do you want?"

I lock eyes with Newt, and even though he has no idea who I am, my eyes soften and a feeling of longing to let him know I'm okay overtakes me.

"Relax," Gally says, "we're all on the same side here."

"Same side? Who are you?"

Gally hesitates- sending a look of uncertainty in my direction. I send him what I hope is an encouraging look. He sighs, taking off his mask, "Hey Greenie."

A deathly silence casts itself upon the room. Nobody dares to move. Nobody even dares to breath- the atmosphere quickly turns hostile.

Thomas leaps forward and before anyone can object, he has punched Gally in the face.

Newt is the next to react. He rushes forward and holds Thomas poised fist. "He killed Chuck," Thomas chokes out, "he killed Chuck."

My throat tightens slightly, and though I never knew the boy, my heart aches for those who did. Especially Gallys and Thomas'. No matter how badly we parted.

"I know, I know," Newt says in a comforting voice, "I was there too. So I also know that he was stung and half out of his mind."

My head shoots up. Gally never mentioned that part, only that he never meant to kill Chuck. His story is remarkably similar to what happened with Rachel and Beth. Eyes stinging slightly, I force myself to divert my attention. Don't think about Rachel and Beth.

Thomas relents his tensed position and slowly allows himself to be hauled up by Newt. I make a split second decision and slowly, hesitantly, take off my mask too.

Heads swivel in my direction and a few gasps from Frypan and Jorge can be heard. But my attention is purely focused on Newt and Thomas'.

Thomas looks exceptionally surprised and even a little guilty as his eyes meet mine. A pang of guilt to match his quickly flashes across my face; after all, he wasn't the only one at wrong when I left.

Newt is different. He looks shocked, surprised... dare I say, relieved. He takes a hesitant step forward, reaching out with his palm to touch my arm. Maybe a reassurance that I am real.

He meets my gaze, his warm brown eyes softening at the sight of mine. And he hugs me.

I hug him back, my face pressed into his shoulder. Another arm comes round us both and I can only assume that Frypan, Brenda, Jorge and Thomas are all joining in.

Gally clears his throat, breaking the emotional moment. "So what are you doing here?"

At the question, Thomas' eyes darken, a sense of determination and sadness etching into them. "They got Minho."

"Then let's get him back."

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