𝙈𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨!

836 34 40

Third Person


"Malfoy?" Y/n asked, looking at the bleach-haired boy who was a tad bit too close for her liking.

"L/n." The boy said, staring down into her e/c (eye-colour) eyes.

Y/n backed up, feeling a bit uncomfortable of how close they were.

"You better put that wand L/n, I don't like how you're pointing it at me."

Y/n paused for a second, then smirked.  "Are you scared Malfoy?"

"Like I, the Slytherin prince, would be scared." He glared down at the girl.

Y/n paused for a second, before she quickly moved the wand so it was closer to him.  The boy jumped back and covered his face with his hands, while Y/n laughed.

"Listen, I won't tell anyone." she chuckled again, but the boy continued to glare at her.

"I will hex you if you do, understand me L/n?" The boy looked like he was gonna kill her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Y/n continued to smirk.

She walked around the boy (since he wasn't gonna move anytime soon) and went to the dorms.

Y/n entered the dorms and walked to her bed, as soon as she was in front of the bed, she plopped down.

She lay her head down on the pillow for about five minutes before she remembered she had left her book in the common room.

"Of course." she groaned and stood up. 

Since all the drapes were pulled closed and it was about 11:15 pm, it was pitch black in the dorms.

Y/n grabbed her phone and quickly turned the flashlight on, not wanting to hit herself on any corners and accidentally wake up her roommates.

Once Y/n turned the flashlight on, she made her way back towards the common room.

She could smell the fire once she got closer and closer.

When Y/n was in front of the entrance,  she spotted the same boy who just talked to her, sitting in the dark-green velvet chair, reading her book she had taken out from the library.

Her eyes went wide at the view, clearly not expecting the Draco Malfoy to be reading 'Little Women' (especially since she had taken out the book, and Malfoy hated her).

Y/n had to quickly turn off her flash before he had seen the light reflecting off of something.

As soon as the flashlight was turned off, she got her camera ready and held it up.

Once the framing was right, she snapped about 10 pictures.  She brought her phone back down and looked at all the pictures she had taken.

The best picture (out of the 10 she took) was the back of the green velvet chair with the bleach-blond hair all messy in front of the green fire, the book in his right hand with his left hand turning the page, with his face peaking out from the side.

Y/n smirked to herself.  She quickly turned around and walked off before she got caught.

About 2 seconds after she had turned and walked, she stepped on something sharp and yelped.

She heard noise coming from behind her (likely Draco) and bolted to the girl dorms.

Y/n could hear footsteps behind her the whole time she ran for her life.

As soon as she came in arms reach of the dorms, she flung her arms as far as she could and quickly opened the door.  As soon as her body made it in, she slammed the door shut.

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