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I was peaceful laying in my bed when they asked me to go to the library and study or something.

Hell, I don't wanna move.

I had to run up from Hagrid's hut like four times which is tiring as all hell.

But, I had nothing better to do with my time other than to go to the library.

So, I stood up from my bed and groaned.


I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my robe, phone, and wand.

I started to walk out of the dorms when someone walked in.

"Move out of my way, L/n."

I looked up into the ugly-ass-rats-nest-hair-girl's eye.

"I swear to Merlin Parkinson if you don't shut the hell up, I'll hex your ass while your asleep." I spit out.

"You wouldn't dare!" She squealed like a pig.

"Wanna see my try?" I asked with attitude.

She kept quiet and I continued making my way out of the dorms.


I was scrolling through TikTok while I made my way down to the library.

'Now from the top make it drop that's some WAP.'

"The hell—" I mumbled to myself.

'Now get a bucket and a mop that's some WAP.'

I continued watching this shirtless dude with no neck do the dance.

'I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP, that's some WAP.'

I pressed the audio and added it to my favourites.

I looked up from my phone and found myself in the library.

I quickly shut it off and slipped it in my robe's pocket.

I literally heard the exact same song playing in a nearby book isle.

So what do I do?

I follow the sound.

I didn't run of course, since I was in a library, but I sped-walked down to where the sound was coming from.

I stopped when I heard it.

"What in the hell—"

Harry was there, doing the dance like the shirtless, neck less, man, while Ron and Hermione were watching wide-eyed.

"Y/n!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron slowly turned his head from dancing Harry, and looked at me. "Please save us."

Harry still hadn't noticed I was there because he was too busy wapping.

Note to self, never use wapping in a sentence ever again.

Harry had just finished dancing and went and grabbed his phone, while Hermione, Ron, and I stood there like we had just been petrified.

"I didn't see anything.  I refuse to believe I saw anything." I repeated.

"I- Uh-" Hermione started.

"Y/n, would you like to help me find books?" She blurted out.

"Please." I said as I followed Hermione out of the current isle.

"I swear to Merlin, I'm going to jump out of the astronomy tower if I ever see someone do that shit again." I stated.

"I shouldn't be engaging in this because it's wrong, but I'd totally join you if I saw that again."


After the heart attack I had earlier from seeing Harry do that wack dance, I went to study with Hermione.

We studied for about an hour and a half before we left the library.

I don't know how it had happened, but Harry was actually walking me back to my common room.

I really did think Harry hated Slytherins, but I guess not since he was walking me there.

"Y'know, I still don't get why you're walking me back to the Slytherin house, I'm perfectly capable of walking myself." I said to Harry.

"Hermione said to take you, and you do not wanna see her mad." He replied.

I shrugged.

We walked in uncomfortable silence, until we reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room.

I turned and faced Harry.

"I mean, thanks for walking me, even though you didn't need to 'cause I'm not getting jumped in the school hallways, but it was a nice thing to do." I smiled at him.

"Yeah, no p-problem." He smiled back.

We stood there, looking at each other for a second, before Harry started to lean in.

He started to close his eyes as he leaned in closer.

My eyes went huge.

'Holy shit, dear Merlin, WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?!' I thought to myself.

Literally when he was two centimetres away from my face, the door opened.

"L/n, the hell are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I quickly turned my head to see Malfoy standing there in his pyjamas.


"N-Nothing." I quickly said, as Harry backed away.

"Get inside." He demanded as he walked back inside to the common room.

"Uh see you laTer." I said (with a voice crack saying 'later') and quickly walked back into the room.

As soon as the door to the common room closed, I spoke up.

"I swear to MERLIN if someone does that to me again I'll kill someone—" I began to rant, but Malfoy cut

"I heard you buffoons talking outside, and it was hella loud, so I came out to check for myself. And your welcome for getting you out of that situation."

I sighed. "You'll hear me say this once, and once only. Thank you for what you did back there."

"Mhm." He said as he walked off, probably back to his room.

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Liked by: ron

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Liked by: ron.likeschocolatefrogs, hermionegranger_, cedr1c.d1gg0ry, and others.

y/n.l/n: lol currently crying and confused ASF, also listening to wap cause why TF not 🤠🦈🐀

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