𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙖𝙧 𝘽𝙔𝙀

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y/n.l/n: me leaving the infirmary to go back and chill in my dorm #hellyeah #gettinghitinthefacebyabludgertings #voldymoldy

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ron.likeschocolatefrogs: wait do u have the answers for the
transfiguration work?

hermionegranger_: I'm coming to help you right now!

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Third Person


Y/n stood there, hovering the bed, her arm in a sling (apparently she had landed on her right arm and sprained it, Madam Pomfrey had no choice but to use some muggle medical ways), her phone in her other left hand.

"Make sure you go straight to your dorm Ms. L/n, you've been excused from your classes until further notice, and someone will bring your meals to you. Also don't forget to ice your neck and eye, it'll help the swelling go down!" The nurse exclaimed.

Y/n nodded. "Alright, thank you again Madam Pomfrey." She turned around and walked very carefully out of the infirmary.

Since supper was happening in the great hall, nobody was in the hallways except for one of the Ravenclaw prefects (they didn't seem to care the Y/n wasn't in the great hall when she was supposed to be).

Y/n had finally made her way to the Slytherin common room.

"Pure blood." she spoke and walked in.

Y/n walked around the sitting area, and went to the dorms.

When she entered the dorms, Y/n walked to her bed and plopped down on her butt.

Y/n lay down (in her school robes) on the bed, she grabbed her phone from her pocket and turned it on. Four messages sent to her one minute ago.

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hermionegranger_: Y/n i'm at the infirmary right now.

hermionegranger_: I just went in and Madam Pomfrey says you just

hermionegranger_: Did you not hear me when I said I was going to
help you back?!

hermionegranger_: Y/n? Hello!?

oh sorry mione, i wanted to get back cause im wiped :y/n.l/n

hermionegranger_: Next time wait for me, you could've bloody hurt
yourself and nobody would've known or helped you!

but i didnt, right? :y/n.l/n

hermionegranger_: I'm not having this conversation, just get
some rest if you're tired, i'll drop off some food
for you to have when you wake up.

alrighty, ty, im gonna get some rest now :y/n.l/n

hermionegranger_: Have a nice rest!

ty 😌 :y/n.l/n

y/n.l/n is offline

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Third Person


Y/n shut her phone off and placed it on the night-stand beside her bed.

She pulled the covers over her legs and shut her eyes.

After about 5 minutes (or what Y/n thought to be 5 minutes), she had fallen asleep.

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