𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 (part one)

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"Can someone explain why I'm doing this again." I asked.

It's been a while since that Harry thing had happened, and I was somehow dragged into this Buckbeak situation.

Apparently he was getting executed and the trio wanted me to come down with them while they went to comfort Hagrid.

But, I did get to see Malfoy get punched in the face by Hermione, and I got a picture of it, so I was happy with that.

"I told you, Hagrid's sad that this is happening, so you're coming with us to comfort him." Hermione said.

"I know that, I'm not daft, but why me, I'm a Slytherin after all."

"You're the only one who was free—" Ron began but was Hermione quickly slapped him across the chest.

"No you're not, you're our friend so we decided to take you along."

"Mkay." I replied.

Harry just stood there, walking along side me.

After that thing happened, it was sorta awkward between us, but we would still talk to one and other.

It was faster than I expected, we were already down by the hut.

"Do we just walk in or—" I began, but was cut off by Harry knocking.

"Nevermind then." I replied to my own question.


It has been a while since we arrived to Hagrid's hut, and Ron just got his rat back.

"So you've had this rodent for how long again?"

Ron stroked the rat's back "Twelve years."

"I thought rats only lived for a season, then they get returned back to hel—"

Hermione slapped me, making me shut my mouth.

Literally two seconds later, the jar beside me broke.

I jumped from where I was standing, to behind Harry's back.

"The hell was that?" I quickly asked.

Then, Harry got hit with some type of flying object.

"Oh my god, the aliens are coming." I mumbled to myself.

Ron looked out of the window. "Not aliens, Dumbledore and some weirdo."

"Out the back, quick, come on now." Hagrid said as he shoved us out the back.

Once we were out, we went around to where Hagrid had his pumpkins, near Buckbeak.

Once we were crowded all down below the fruits and beside the bird, I spoke up.

"Well Buckbeak, it was nice knowing ya—"

Of course, I was cut off.

"Shh!" Hermione put her finger over her mouth.

She quickly turned around after, and looked around frantically.

"Sis, ain't no centaurs boutta join the party." I told her.

She ignored me, and continued looking.

I shrugged and turned my gaze back around.

"We should make a run for it." Ron suggested.

"Bet." I said before I took off running up the hill and a fast speed.

As soon as I reached the top of the hill, I almost died.

"Please someone remind me to never do that shit again." I said in between breaths.

The trio came peacefully walking up behind me.

We all turned around and stood there, watching the weird ass looking man with a hood walk up to Buckbeak with an axe.

I saw Hermione hug Ron, and dig her face in his shoulder.

Me and Harry just stood there.

"Third wheeling things." I mumbled to Harry.

He looked like he wanted to laugh but obviously didn't for some respect for the creature.

I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the time we stood there watching.

Okay so basically two minutes have went by and we were dead silent. It's probably the longest I've been quiet in the last month.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Ron's rat jumped out his arms and ran faster than Usain Bolt in the one hundred meter race.

"Scabbers!" He exclaimed as he chased the rat.

We all followed him, bolting down the hill.

"Why the hell is this tiny-ass rodent faster than all of us?!" I exclaimed as I ran faster.

"I don't know!" Harry replied.

Eventually, Ronald exited the chat, and we couldn't see him anymore.

"I swear this is why I have an owl instead of a rat." I say as I tried to catch my breath.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I heard in the distance.


"You gotta be kidding me." I say before we all start to take off again.

Once we saw Ron getting dragged by a damn wolf, Harry screamed like a girl.

"Calm down Ja—" I began but was cut off by Hermione talking over me.

"What do we do?! That animal just pulled him into the hole!" She squealed.

"We obviously follow him." I told her before running full speed towards the hole he was brought into.

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