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I quickly jumped up.

I noticed that I wasn't in the dorms, I was in the Slytherin common room.

I turned my head and saw Blaise and Theo walking towards the exit.

"Zabini!  Nott!  What time is it?" I said towards their directions.

"Find out yourself L/n!" Blaise replied.

I turned my head to see a younger girl, probably a 1st year, walking around the common room.

"Hey, kid, do you know what time it is?" I said to little black-haired girl.

"Uh, i-it's the start of supper at the g-great hall." The girl stuttered.

"Thanks mate." I replied as I got up and made my way to the exit.

When I left the exit, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and made my way towards the great hall for dinner.

When I made my way out of the moving staircase, I noticed Malfoy, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy standing in a corner talking to themselves.

I literally looked at them for a second, and Pugface decided to speak up.

"What are YOU looking at L/n?" She spat out.

"Sorry, I was just looking at the rats nest sitting on top of your head." I (sarcastically) smiled before walking rather fast into the great hall.

I sat down in my usual spot, but this time by myself.

I grabbed a plate and started to fill it.

I ate some pasta with bread, a couple of carrot sticks, and a vanilla tart for dessert.

I got up and made my way out.

I saw a blonde girl walk bare-foot past me, but I ignored, since a whole bunch of weirdos go to Hogwarts these days.

I quickly made my way back to the common room to fetch my Herbology book for the studying I had to do.

Before I entered, in front of the common room door, I was quickly stopped by Crabbe and Goyle blocking the entrance.

"Can't go in." the taller one said.

"And why can't I do that, it's my common room as well." I spoke.

"Doesn't matter, not allowed." the fatter one said.

"Too bad." I forced them out of my way and went in.

I looked around, and saw no sight of anyone.

"Stupid gits." I muttered under my breath before going to my room.

When I exited the room, I made sure to check the time before I left, it was now 8:45 pm, so I had 15 minutes until the studying had to be done.

I exited the common room quickly and made my way to the library's direction.

I had finally made my way to the library and found my seat at the same table I always sat at.

When I sat down, I put my book gently on the table in front of me and got my phone out.  I opened Instagram and posted a picture.

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Liked by: the.chosen.one, DracoMalfoy,  thewizardblaisezabini, and others.

y/n.l/n: this is for all you hoes who need it <3


the.chosen.one: i need this shit rn <3

thewizardblaisezabini: yes, just yes.

ron.likeschocolatefrogs: SLAY

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I put my phone away and opened my Herbology book.

I turned to the chapter Professor Sprout told me to study and I started to review it.

After a couple of minutes, Neville had sat down in front of me.

"Hello Y/n!" The boy cheered.

I looked up at the boy.

"Hey." I said with a half smile.

"Shall we start then?" The boy said, starting to open his book.

"I guess." I replied


It was just after 10 pm and the library was closing.

I closed my book.

"Thanks for the, uh, help Longbottom." I said as I started to stand up.

"Yeah, of course Y/n!" He exclaimed as he got up aswell.

I smiled at him, a real smile, and made my way out.

I yawned as I exited the library.

I got my phone out to check the time.

"Only 10:05 pm." I muttered to myself.

I decided that tonight I wouldn't stay out, 'cause if someone caught me, I would've been in deep shit.

I just walked back to the Slytherin common room.

"Pure blood" I muttered, and the door opened.

I walked into the common room and saw one person sitting on the leather couch.

"Zabini." I said formally as I walked by him, also not trying to be rude.

"L/n." He replied with, not looking up from his phone.

I walked over to the dorms as silently opened the door.

I closed it and went over to my bed.

I got my trunk out from under my bed and got out some pyjamas.

I went over to the bathroom and changed.

Once I came out, I went over and plopped down on my bed.

'Such a long day.' I thought to myself as I started to drift off.

'Maybe I am starting to get along with Gryffindors.'

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