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Tall dark trees loomed in the forest, blanketing the moonlit ground in a heavy curtain. They guarded their secrets well. Trapping the air that hung thickly around them until it was nearly suffocating underneath them. A fearsome howl sounded against their large branches, but they stood strong. With this howl, a harsh wind followed. It pushed its way across the branches and whipped against the tree trunks. It attempted to root out the thick air, to force it out of its hiding place. It clung to the forest floor as it was whipped around with the wind. At last, it lost the battle and the harsh grip it had on the forest floor was yanked off and brought out into the open. This cold wind beat against the warm, stale air until there was none of it left.

This rush of emotion throughout the forest was now reduced to a still feeling. The trees had not let up their fortitude in guarding the forest. They stood there as the wind had its battle with the stale air and they watched as the wind won. Accepting the new fate, they resigned themselves to the guarding of the forest.

Another howl sounded and the force of paws striking the earth caught the ears of the trees. They remained solid in their position and saw as their brothers fell in the way of these beasts. Nothing would stand in its way for what it chased was far greater a prize. There was a second creature that tore through the forest. Not in an angry fashion as the roaring beast but as a delicate leaf, spinning around each tree and springing lightly through the air. The beast was quick, but the smaller creature was nimble. The forest was owned by this creature and it was obvious that it would be destroyed by the howling monster. Many howls sounded throughout the forest in an answer to the call that the monster made. The nimble creature stopped for a second to listen with a pounding heart to the imminent doom.

The nimble creature was a woman. Tall, thin, and dressed in black clothing to hide within the blanket of the trees. They provided minimal protection for her though and she jumped lightly onto one of them. It groaned in response to her touch and turned its protection of the forest to her. It bathed her in the smell of the woods and encased her in the prickling leaves. It took up its silent guard again as it held the nimble creature. She sat on the large branch and shut her eyes to calm the beating in her chest. It pumped angrily inside of her, attempting to jump out of her chest through her throat. As she sat, with calm breaths leaving her mouth, it became gentler and accepted the rest that was provided. Her eyes shot open as the sound of snarling brought her attention to the scene below her.

Massive black and grey wolves snarled in a circle below. They snarled and bit at one another in a form of intense communication. Massive paws stamped the ground and suffocated the life out of every baby plant that had plans to grow. Fierce teeth gleamed even in the dim lighting. The largest of the wolves snapped at the second largest and took him to the ground. The pawed and struggled until the victor placed a paw on the loser's neck. The loser, the second-largest, struggled against the massive paw before submitting to it. Once the snarls had ceased and there was a sense of calm, the largest one stood and shifted into a large male. He was tall, broad-shouldered but the pale moonlight did nothing to accentuate his appearance. The trees nearly withered as his powerful aura revealed itself.

"Where did it go?" he looked at the other wolves, which were shifting as he spoke.

"It was right here," complained the second man," we had it cornered."
"It's like it just disappeared," observed another.

"Even the scent is missing, Alpha," another voice spoke.

The alpha looked up to the trees and frowned. The prey would have no way to reach those limbs. He thought about it before walking up to the base. These trees were old and angry. He had intruded into their forest and destroyed parts of it. He was the monster they feared. They began to twist in anger as he neared their mossy bases. He should know better than to trifle with the forest.

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