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Everyone turned to him with a shocked expression on their faces. Alex had expected some to not believe them, but for the king to actually laugh was a different level of disrespect in her eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Xavier tense and begin to move forward threateningly. She stayed him with her hand and a gentle look before turning her attention back to the king.

She was truly an impressive figure when she stood at full height. Her black hair was pulled back in a tight braid down her back, but tiny pieces had escaped from the sides and dangerously framed her face. Her blue eyes now coursed with the electricity of a brewing storm and she was as dangerous as that storm. Raw power was now swirling around her causing the king to flinch back in fear. He darted behind the general centaur quickly causing the general to grunt in annoyance.

"I'm sorry," he cried flinging his hands in front of his face to ward off any blows that she would throw," I laugh when I'm nervous. It was just a reaction."

Alex looked incredibly angry but allowed the king to live. She took a minute to real in her anger before turning to Xavier.

"King Jack, I'm afraid this threat is all too real," Xavier began allowing Alex to make her way to the back of the room," We have credible input from many of the tribes of Xylina. They claim that Sorin's forces have resurfaced."
"Sorin!" Exclaimed a minotaur sitting at the long table," He died in the war."

"So we have thought," Alex confirmed," I'm afraid if his forces are back up and running, then black magic might be involved."

"That would mean that Azura might be involved," mused a Pixie near Xavier's head.

"Yes, Azura could be involved," confirmed Xavier holding his hand out to the pixie.

She accepted his offer and gracefully landed on the palm of his hand. She was a pretty little thing with striking blue hair that cascaded around her body in a waterfall, taking place of clothes. Bright silver eyes gazed back at Xavier with a curious expression. Small diamonds were tattooed on her face, right above her eyebrows, trailing down till they blended with golden freckles that dotted her mahogany skin. Her wings were silver, with golden waves inside of them, and the batted gently almost like a reflex. Her voice was sharp and small, forcing the hearer to pay close attention to hear them.

"Azura is a danger to my species, Warlock," the young pixie said.

"Azura was a danger to all species," a vampire now spoke up.

Everyone knew of the dangers that this pair would cause to the free lands and possibly to all of the lands.

"Are we certain that they are all involved?" the Centaur now spoke with a grumble in his voice.

"We have quite a few sources and the elder's support on this issue," Alex nodded her head.

The generals began their anxious talk, each of their voices rising above the others until they were all mixed in a harsh harmony. This went on for half an hour. Each creature desperate to be heard above the rest and the emotions in the room rising to a dangerous level. Alex quickly glanced at the centaur with a silent command. He pounded his hooves onto the stone floor and let their sound echo throughout the room effectively gaining everyone's attention.

Alex cleared her throat before she began speaking. A wave of lightheadedness had swept over her and she watched the room gently sway. She closed her eyes gently before opening them again. Xavier and she had not eaten in over a week.

"My lords," she began cautiously," I would suggest a brief recess to calm everyone's nerves. It seems we have thrown this on you too quickly."

"I agree," King Jack now spoke with a slight tremor in his voice. He then turned to Alex and Xavier," Would you two come with me? I'm sure I can find you a room in this castle. General Gavril, will you come with us as well?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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