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That night, Alex sat on the deck with Brutus at the helm. For three years she had tried to sleep, but it was never good enough. She was haunted by the inevitable nightmares from the cells. In an effort to keep Xavier alive when they were younger, she had taken his memories and placed them on herself. She was reliving both of their memories.

"Go to sleep," Brutus grunted.

"And here I was thinking we were great company," Alex teased.


Alex rolled her eyes but didn't move from her spot. Instead, she gazed at the stars. She was always intrigued by them and the way that they could cast a friendly twinkle one night and an eerie glow the next. This night they sparkled in amusement over the funny passengers. Two fauns, a warlock, and a witch were rarely seen together on a good day but with the hint of war in the air, it was getting rarer to see.

Leukothea was one of the few port cities that was allowing different creatures to enter. The banned creatures were forced to take to the hills. In the hills, they would be able to stay without fear of being found. The Hills of Ascian was the place everyone went to hide. The hills of no shadows. Many would use their magic to hide against evil. It was a slow-spreading evil, eating up every corner of Cretan. The beautiful country was one of peace, but peace always has someone who wants to destroy it. There was rumored to be a king of beasts in the neighboring country of Belladonna.

Belladonna could be considered a dangerous kingdom. Alex had heard from a coven of witches that a war was coming. She had begun to train Xavier harder. He would need the training to help in this war. She wanted to keep the free lands free, but it would be almost impossible if they weren't ready.

She almost let out a sigh as her thoughts ravaged through her mind. The tempest in her mind was driving her crazy. It had been driving her crazy for a while.

"Hey witch," called Brutus.

Her head snapped up at his call.

"Come take the helm while I go relieve myself."
She nodded and walked over to his spot. He left her there without a word of advice and disappeared down below. The gentle wind played with her hair as she stared at the empty ocean with apprehension. Being in charge of a ship now laid more fears on the woman. The line of land would not be spotted for two more days at the most. At the least, with the fair winds, they might be there by midday the next morning. Adara has shown her the map and explained the route they planned to travel.
It was a secret route, known by only the blackmailing travelers in the free lands. The summer waters would be easy to gain access to, but according to Adara if they had made this journey in the latter times of the year, they would have never found it. It was scarcely used by trading vessels or vessels of conquest, so they were sure to be able to make a hasty retreat after dropping Alex and Xavier off.

"Ok, give me that wheel before my sister eats my head," Brutus came in and brushed her off the.

"Have you been to Belladonna?" Alex questioned the faun.

He scratched the goatee he sported and turned to her with a cloud on his brow.

"Aye witch," his voice was laced with concern," But tell me, what's the use of bringing pretty-boy with you? He may be the greatest warlock of our time, but the boy hardly fights. You seem to be the one who is more apt to pick the fight."

She nearly laughed out loud. He was right, Xavier was the last person who would engage in a fight. It was one thing that she admired about him; it was also what balanced their relationship.

"He is capable of far more than he believes," she said," There is much he doesn't know, my good faun. But I cannot hope that he will learn that there is evil in the world if I choose to leave him at home. He must know that this world is not always bright. But I think he knows that, and still he refuses to believe at times."

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