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Time passed slowly in her dim cell. She fought multiple times and after each, she was put back in her cell with a plate of food. Shoving a finger into it and feeling the firmness of the goop was enough for her to put it back in its place. She would suffer without it besides the fact that she was feeling sick from her show. So, sitting on the ground in a cross-legged stance, she waited. He would be there soon to congratulate her and to show her off to his wealthy friends. They were all sick, to stand there and wait for people to begin to murder one another, to break the people they created.

Sitting there, she allowed her senses to take over. She could hear the troubled steps pacing the floor above her, firm boots marking each step with determination. Behind the wall, at her back, voices were shouting at one another. The voices were harsh and cruel. She tried to tune into what they were saying but the collar kept her from doing that. It absorbed her energy before she could release it. With a sigh, she moved on from that sense and noticed the odd smells. It was a horrible smelling place. The blood and urine bonded together reminding people of the death in the room. She could hear the hacking and vomiting noises that other subjects were making. An overwhelming scent of pine filled her nose forcing her eyes to shoot open in surprise. The last time she had brought the pine needles for Xavier, it hadn't nearly been this strong. She looked around slowly, calculating, searching for anything new. Closing her eyes slowly, as she couldn't sense the smell anymore. She focused more on her surroundings, listening, and waiting for any moments of change.

The argument was slowly dying behind her, but it was replaced by a scream. A bloodcurdling scream that would etch into the minds of all that heard. A snarl and a growl bit through the air to remind everyone that the wolves owned these parts. The deathly silence that followed these movements stilled the woman's heart. No one moved into the cells. She concentrated on her senses once again in hopes of finding what had happened to cause such a reaction. Nothing answered her silent questions, nor did they attempt to dull the ache in her heart.

That was until boots hit the ground again and keys jingled in the hands of another. Her eyes remained closed and fixated on any other interesting sensations she could pick up. She could feel the auras of the people coming through. They were strong and powerful. The perfect weapons to use in her escape. All she had to do was get one of them but that would be nearly impossible. These people would be there to purchase or rent one of the subjects. He might allow her to be given away for a day, but he would be sure to watch her carefully. Her escape had happened nearly three months ago if her timing was correct. He had forced her to shed so much innocent blood in the time since she had escaped. It was his way of punishing her for her crimes and he would make sure she paid a severe price. This last fight had been a huge victory to his sick and twisted mind. He had smiled and laughed a boisterous one, and shook hands with many wealthy looking people. People that would kill to have her in their armies. Would she be willing to trade one prison for another?

If he got drunk enough after this fight, she might be able to use her magic without him sensing a thing. She would use a little bit of time to send another distress signal out. It had become a habit to send one out after the biggest fights, in hopes of being heard but that hope was slim.

"This is my runt," the coarse voice rang out in the dark corridor.

The keys hit metal and a door swung open. Alex didn't open her eyes or even acknowledge the presence of the intruders.

"He's not good for much. We test out new ideas on him to see if it will help but it never does. Of course, he is useful in being a punching bag."

The laughter surrounding this comment made her blood boil, but she remained silent. How long would silence be accepted?

A groan filled her ears as a blow was made to the poor subject. She didn't have to look to know it belonged to Xavier.

"He's not who we came to see," a different voice spoke.

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