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When she awoke, she found herself to be in a cell. Screaming out her frustration in a high-pitched wail she pounded her hands into the bricks around her.

"You were closer this time," a coarse voice spoke near her.

"I was so close," the bitter words spat past her lips reminded her of her failure.

"What happened?" the voice laughed.

Anger riddled through the woman's body at the cackle flooding from the voice. She whirled around and raised a hand. The culprit just glared at her with empty eyes.

"Oh please," a hand rose in a dismal wave," You can't use those powers without his permission. You're his little pet."

The last word was spat at the woman. More anger flooded through the woman's body as the face of her tormentor was revealed. She grasped the bars that held her as the other woman inched closer to the cage.

"I am no one's pet."

The words were cold, hard, and emotionless.

"There you go," the other woman said with a small smirk," Control it, Alex."

"Do you think I'm not trying?" Alex asked with a huff.

"Not hard enough."

"What do you want Elaine?" Alex was growing tired of this conversation.

"He'll be here soon and if you want to be let out of this hole then I suggest you clean up your act and control it," Elaine was right in Alex's face as she said this.

You could see the long white scar running from her eyebrow to her ear. It crossed her eye, revealing a white orb in the place of her eye. Her features were not attractive per the standards of the men in the building but to many, she had an alluring beauty that could not be denied. Her good eye was a beautiful hazel color that reflected the colors of the forest. Her face was in a heart shape, a dark ink tattoo stretched from one side of the face down her neck before it disappeared into her shirt. A collar of sorts wrapped around her neck with little spikes protruding from it and long spiked earrings pierced her ears. A hook in her nose gave her the appearance of a wild animal. White scars littered her arms and parts of the tattoo were destroyed by healing wounds.

"Did he hurt you?" Alex kept her voice low.

Elaine rolled her eyes at the woman.

"Of course, he hurt me," she gritted out," Did you think he wouldn't? I'm not a pet. I'm not special. I'm just the runt that let you escape."

There was venom lacing those eyes that would make the fiercest heart tremble.

"That's right, the runt that let my dear little pet get out," the deep voice made a shiver run through the pair.

The figure brought himself out of the corner of the room and a malicious glint filled his eye. He walked over to Elaine who had stayed still since his voice was heard.

"My dear Elaine," he caressed her cheek before cupping her face and bringing it to face him," I am shocked that you would do something so inappropriate and terribly horrible. To let my pet escape and then claim that you hand nothing to do with it. I don't like liars Elaine."

His grip increased against her chin and he let his claws come out a little piercing her skin. Not a whimper nor a scream erupted from her mouth. A sadistic smile spread across the man's face as he released her. She remained fixed in her position before he dismissed her with a wave of his hand. Turning to the woman, he found that she had backed away from the wall of the cage and was standing glaring at the man.

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